

XBMC 11.0 (Eden) running on Ubuntu 11.04 is being used as of week 120703 (July 16-20).

Good-to-know Information[]

  • Installed xbmc add-ons are placed in ~/.xbmc/addons/ folder. (thanks go to Louis Peng.)

Symptoms and Causes[]

  • XBMC always crashes when the video playback is stopped or finishes.

==> Check Settings/Videos:Playback => whether "Sync playback to display" is enabled; disable it if yes.
(Found the clue from this forum thread.)

Misc. Notes[]

Linux How-to's[]

  • How to convert a .m4a audio file to FLAC format?

==> Use ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -y -i infile.m4a -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec flac outfile.flac

Converting to OGG format also by using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -y -i infile.m4a -acodec pcm_s16le -f wav - | oggenc -q 6 -o outfile.ogg -	

The above tips are obtained with the help of this thread of discussion.

  • How to convert a .flv video file to ASF format?

==> Use ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i infile.flv -f asf -vcodec wmv2 -acodec wmav2 outfile.asf

The above tips are obtained with the help of this thread of discussion.

  • How to change the label of a USB pen drive which has been formatted with a FAT32 file system?

==> Use mlabel:
Do the following steps:
- modify /etc/mtools.conf by inserting the lines below to it:

 # # USB pen drive ##
 drive d: file="/dev/sdd1"

(Note: The device name of my USB pen drive was /dev/sdd1; I chose to assign it to d: drive; adapt the line to suit your case when appropriate.)
- create ~/.mtoolsrc with the following line in it:


then you can run mlabel to change the volume label of the USB drive:

 $ sudo mlabel d:
 (Enter the new label when prompted.)

The above tips are obtained with the help of this thread of discussion.