Lifelog - Oct. 16, 2014 - part 1
我:“我妈妈在住院,因为她... 所以我想向医生咨询...”
陈:“给她用了抗凝血剂还中风!?” 我:“上月中旬的门诊好像没有开之前在中央健保局拿的抗凝血剂?记得母亲说,五月中旬陈医师告诉她,以后可以直接由万芳开?”
(... 待补)
Lifelog - Oct. 3, 2014
中午用万芳医院网站的“院长信箱”写了一封申诉,但送出后网页回的编码似乎不是 Big5 也不是 Unicode,一串看不懂的乱码。只好先把申诉文贴在这里。
家母 上个月(今年九月)1日清早,不幸突发严重左脑栓塞性中风,经国泰医院急救后,现在虽然大部分时间清醒,但仍无行动能力,需要雇用24小时看护及所有家人接力式的照护。
家母因为心律不整与高血压,自民国九十年左右起,在万芳医院就诊,皆由心脏内科陈保罗医师以药物治疗,病情控制一向尚好,所以家母和我们全家一直对于陈医师非常地信赖和感谢。惟上月中风发作突然,事后查询母亲近几个月的用药纪录,发现她今年八月回万芳医院复诊时,陈保罗医师开立的处方签中,少了一个“拜瑞妥”(Xarelto) 抗凝血剂。之前一直到今年五月中旬,因为陈医师在万芳医院的门诊无法以健保给付的方式开给病人“拜瑞妥” 抗凝血剂,而须另外到陈医师在中央健保局的门诊拿该药处方签。我记忆非常清楚深刻的是,今年五月十二日下午,家母最后一次去陈保罗医师在中央健保局的门诊回来后,非常高兴地对我说,陈保罗医师告诉她一个好消息:下次不必再另外挂号中央健保局的门诊拿药了,因为万芳医院也可以开“拜瑞妥” 抗凝血剂,而且健保也有给付了。所以家母后来就没有挂号三个月后的中央健保局门诊,想说八月中旬在万芳医院的门诊就可以同时领取“拜瑞妥” 抗凝血剂了。我记忆同样非常清楚深刻的是,家母在今年八月十三日早上,从陈保罗医师在万芳医院的门诊回家后,对我说:“奇怪,陈保罗医师上次跟我说,会开给我中央健保局的药,这次怎么没有给我?”但是想到过去每次到中央健保局门诊时,陈医师都会对她说:“这个药很贵喔,一颗要98元……
Worklog - week 130902
这篇一年前的周志提到可以用 iTools -- which only supports Windows and Mac OS -- 来存取 iDevices (iPad or iPhone)里头的 Apps folders -- 例如拷贝出来自 PPTV 或‘风行网’下载的影片。在 Ubuntu 等 Linux 系统则可以安装 ifuse 来挂载各个 App 的档案夹,然后再做档案处理。
在仍然由 Ubuntu 维护的版本(如目前的 Ubuntu 12.04)上面,只须执行下列命令列,即可完成安装 ifuse:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ifuse
但是在 Ubuntu 不再维护的版本(如 Ubuntu 11.04)上面,则需要参考这篇教学文章来安装 ifuse。这里就把该文所提供的步骤贴在下面:
- Step 1
Open up a terminal (don't panic, just copy and paste) and type
gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
to open Your sources list
- Step 2
Add the following code to your sources list
deb natty main
deb-src natty main
Change natty to the release you are using if that's not it. Save and exit y……
Worklog - week 130701
The original i2cget command supports only a byte or word read. To read the values set in subaddress 0x4b (R/G/B LED current) or subaddress 0x60 (keystone settings) of the TI DPP6401F DLP processor, the I2C block read is required. So I
modified i2cget.c to include I2C block read for DPP6401F.
However, although the values of those subaddresses of DPP6401F mentioned above are 6 bytes (or 3 words) in length, the first byte obtained by calling i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data() is always 0x00 (the status byte??);
therefore to get all the 6 bytes of the data in subaddresses 0x4b or 0x60 of DPP6401F, the length parameter passed to i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data() must be greater than 6 (I opted for 8 in the modified i2cget.c.)
Worklog - week 130603
Observed an AirPlay over Ethernet problem on XBMC 11.0 -- see this thread on the XBMC forum.
Installed XBMC 12.2 via PPA, and AirPlay over Ethernet is successful.
Needs to install the packages in one-by-one manner within the Software Sources page of the Ubuntu Software Center, though. TinyXML shall be installed in the first place.
Worklog - week 130503
Refer to the steps described in "Completely removing Wine" section of this page
sudo apt-get remove wine1.3
sudo apt-get remove wine1.3-gecko
sudo apt-get remove winetricks
仍然不能移除以前在 WINE 里面安装的‘新绝代双骄’游戏,就再执行下列指令:
cd ~
rm -rf .config/menus/applications-merged/wine-Programs-宇峻奧汀-新絕代雙驕Online-*
rm -rf .local/share/applications/wine/
rm -rf .local/share/desktop-directories/wine-*
WINE 就不会出现在桌面的‘应用程序’选单里了。
如果要再更彻底清除的话,就再删掉下列目录中的 WINE files:
rm -rf .local/share/applications/wine-extension*
Worklog - week 130502
- 1 WPA/WPA2 and Linux
- 1.1 Using wpa_cli to configure WLAN setup
- 2 Ubuntu Desktop's Network Manager and D-Bus
- 2.1 for Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)
- 2.2 More
- First setup after system boot
sudo wpa_cli -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 list_networks
sudo wpa_cli add_network
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 ssid '"myssid"'
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 scan_ssid 1
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 psk '"mypasskey"'
sudo wpa_cli enable_network 0
sudo dhclient3 wlan0
- 如果已经有连过其它无线基地台
sudo wpa_cli disconnect
sudo wpa_cli add_network
# Assume $nn is the result of the above command line #
sudo wpa_cli set_network $nn ssid '"myssid"'
sudo wpa_cli set_network $nn scan_ssid 1
sudo wpa_cli set_network $nn key_mgmt WPA-PSK
sudo wpa_cli……
Worklog - week 130305
同学的 FreeNAS 硬盘是 UFS file system (FreeNAS is based on FreeBSD),用 Ubuntu 11.04 的 fdisk 检查,只看到:
hi@hi-desktop:~$ sudo fdisk -l
磁碟 /dev/sda: 2000.4 GB,2000398934016 位元組
255 磁頭,63 磁區/磁軌,243201 磁柱
單位 = 磁柱 之於 16065 * 512 = 8225280 位元組
磁區大小 (邏輯/實體):512 位元組 / 4096 位元組
I/O 大小 (最小/最佳化):4096 位元組 / 4096 位元組
所用裝置 開機 開始 結束 區塊 識別號 系統
下 sudo fdisk /dev/sda 及 'p' command 也查不出有效的分割区
可以用下列指令,挂载 UFS:
sudo mount -t ufs -r -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sda /mnt/ufsdisk
Worklog - week 130304
在 Ubuntu 11.04 须做 这个网页上写的修改,才能使 wpa_cli 可以和 wpa_supplicant 通讯。
修改完后,要 reboot Ubuntu OS,然后就可以用这个网页讲的wpa_cli command line了:
sudo wpa_cli -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant -i wlan0
以下是我用 VIA Epia 连接公司光世代 VDSL modem (SSID="hi") 的命令:
sudo wpa_cli -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant -i wlan6 list_networks
sudo wpa_cli add_network
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 ssid '"hi"'
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 scan_ssid 1
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK
sudo wpa_cli set_network 0 psk '"537xyz63"'
sudo wpa_cli enable_network 0
sudo dhclient3 wlan6
### double-check wlan settings ###
sudo wpa_cli -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant -i wlan6 list_networks
iwconfig wlan6
ifconfig wlan6
Note 1: 虽然在 Windows 7 上查看,VDSL modem 的 WiFi 加密是采用 WPA2-Personal w/ AES encryption,但wpa_cli command……
Worklog - Week 121202
- 1 Media Streaming Servers
- 1.1 Plex Media Server/Center
- 2 Others
- 2.1 Linux KVM: Disable virbr0 NAT Interface
Access the Plex Media Server (PMS) through web browser:
Worklog - week 121201
Refer to
this Wiki page
但是要注意 Destination IP 要填 Client 的 IP address;
在 Client VLC 上 open network stream 时的 URL "rtp://@ip.ip.ip.ip" 也是填自己的 IP address。或者像上面那篇 Wiki 描述的,从 VLC playlist/browser 中点选 SAP title (前提是 server 端有设定 SAP.)
RTP 应该也支援群播(Multicast),然而 "rtp//@ip.ip.ip.ip" 里头应改打群播 IP address.
至于中文的教学方面,这篇示范用 HTTP protocol 做 video streaming.
Worklog - week 121104
- 1 VX900 Linux I2C Driver patch
- 1.1 About i2c-tools
- 2 其他资讯
- 2.1 printk
The diff-style content of this patch can be found in Jean Delvare's post on the Linux-I2C mailing list.
Kernel bug #43096 referred to by the post above.
- 网站挂了?
- 在 这个网页 有最新的 i2c-tools source code (committed by Jean Delvare)
- related section in LDD 3rd ed.
- another info page
- 中文资讯(1)
- 中文资讯(2)
- 中文资讯(3)
Worklog - week 121103
The following information is about how to change the default Ubuntu splash screen (a white Ubuntu logo and dots on a dark brown background.)
Download this file and follow these steps. (note 1)
1. This Dropbox folder contains the original tarball of XBMC splash screen (Refer to My old work-log for the wiki link to the original work of replacing the Ubuntu splash screen with an XBMC related) as well as my adaption.
Worklog - week 121004
(working on I2C control for VX900)
I2CTools - a great I2C tool for the Linux OS.
(Referred to by
this wiki page)
I2C & Python on the Raspberry Pi is also an interesting article.
By studying the code in i2c-tools (e.g. i2cdetect.c in the tools/ subdirectory), I found the API functions, e.g. i2c_smbus_read_byte(), etc, are implemented in '/drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c
The code snippet below is copied from this LXR page
* i2c_smbus_read_byte - SMBus "receive byte" protocol
* @client: Handle to slave device
* This executes the SMBus "receive byte" protocol, returning negative errno
* else the byte received from the device.
s32 i2c_smbus_read_byte(const struct i2c_client *client)
union i2c_smbus_data data;
int status;
status = i2c_smbus_xfer(client……
Worklog - week 121002
- 1 Linux File Sharing
- 1.1 Webfs: a simple HTTP server
- 2 其他笔记
- 2.1 Script getting my public IP
这个 Dropbox link 有收集一些 webfs 的文件。
curl -s; echo
Worklog - week 121001
- 1 XBMC and Windows shared folders
- 1.1 Environment and Conditions
- 1.2 Operations on the Windows 7 PC
- 1.3 Operations on the Ubuntu system
- 1.4 XBMC
- 2 Remote Access to XBMC from Windows 7
- 3 Other Activities
- XBMC 11.0 (Eden) is running in Ubuntu 11.04 Linux
- The shared folders belong to a PC running Windows 7
- The Win 7 hostname is 'HIWIN7'
- HIWIN7 has a shared folder with share name 'Win7_Public' (the actual pathname is C:\Users\Public)
- A user called 'xbmc' has been created in both the Ubuntu and the Win 7 systems
在“网络和共用设定中心”的左侧 side bar 选“变更进阶共用设定”(如图1) ==>
为“公用资料夹”关闭密码保护设定 (如图2) ==>
First, install the Samba components below on the Ubuntu 11.04 system:
$ sudo apt-get install smbfs
$ sudo apt-get install nautilus-share
(The following command lines may not be necess……
Worklog - week 120904
- 用 iTools copy 出来下载到 iPad 里头的风行网影片:
图1: 用 iTools access iPad 里面的 App folders
图2: 下载的风行网影片在这里 ==>
其中每个 .ts (MPEG-2 TS) file 都只有几秒钟,用 XBMC 看会很不舒服;在 Linux OS 用 cat 指令把 这些 .ts files 合成一只完整的 xyz.ts file 就可以了。
图3: export 风行网的 video folder 到 PC 档案夹
图4: choose a PC folder for the export
然后可以进一步把 exported video folder 复制到行动储存装置;
也可以使用下面叙述的方式,利用 iPad 在它里面安装一个简单的 FTP server (但是这个 FTP server 好像几乎没有安全防护),建立 shared folders 来分享档案。
其他的 solutions:
- Video Downloader app for the iPad: 有提供 web browser 界面,可以直接下载风行网影片到其 App folder,然后用 iTunes export 出来。
- Import shared folder to FTP Server (iPad App)
图5: Using iTools to access FTP Server's file folders
FTP server app 在“应用程序/档案共用”tab
Worklog - week 120903
- 1 XBMC GUI Builders
- 1.1 1. GUI Builder
- 1.2 2. WindowXML GUI Toolkit
- 2 Porting Bluetooth add-on to XBMC 11.0 (Eden)
- Refer to this announcement on the XBMC forum on Aug. 1, 2006.
- v1.4 download and other related files
- Refer to this announcement on the XBMC forum on Feb. 14, 2007.
Other URLs:
- XBMC WiKi page
9/19 下午把 XBMC Bluetooth add-on 移植到 XBMC 11.0 (llyzs 原来是在 XBMC 12.0 Alpha-3 版本上开发的)。
Updates of 2013-3-22 :
因为 BT add-on 作者一直在更新,上面给的连结上的内容已经变很多了。
已将该网页另存成 PDF file,并上传到 Dropbox with this link.
Worklog - week 120902
虽然公板的 BIOS 已经 enabled "Resume On KBC" 等 APM/ACPI settings,但是一旦 Ubuntu 11.04 系统休眠后,必须按公板上的 power button 才能 resume.
Edit /etc/rc.local:
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
### added resume on USB code ###
echo "USB0" > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo "USB1" > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo "USB2" > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo "USB3" > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo "EHCI" > /proc/acpi/wakeup
exit 0
Reboot Ubuntu OS 后查看 /proc/acpi/wakeup:
Work log - week 120804
8/20 傍晚在 VIA 单核 Nano + VX900 平台修改下列东西:
- Grub Customizer
--> 参考Worklog of week 120702
--> 参考Worklog of week 120803
worklog - week 120803
- 1 Learning Python
- 1.1 free e-books
- 2 More Things Learned
- 2.1 Linux Window Manager Tools
- 2.2 Miscellaneous
- The most up-to-date Python tutorial
- Python v2.5.2 tutorial
- wmctrl
$ wmctrl -l
$ wmctrl -a wireless
To try: -> Invoking wmctrl in XBMC - by using Python script - to switch to Gnome NetworkManager's window for WLAN settings
这个网页有提供强迫 Grub menu 不出现和把 Ubuntu splash screen 改成 XBMC logo 的步骤(但其实主旨是在说 XBMC and ATI 显卡:)
Step 3: Install ATI proprietary driver (required for XVBA Hardware acceleration)
Get the driver from AMD Site (same file for both 32/64 Bits):
worklog - week 120703
- 1 XBMC
- 1.1 Good-to-know Information
- 1.2 Symptoms and Causes
- 2 Misc. Notes
- 2.1 Linux How-to's
XBMC 11.0 (Eden) running on Ubuntu 11.04 is being used as of week 120703 (July 16-20).
- Installed xbmc add-ons are placed in ~/.xbmc/addons/ folder. (thanks go to Louis Peng.)
- XBMC always crashes when the video playback is stopped or finishes.
==> Check Settings/Videos:Playback => whether "Sync playback to display" is enabled; disable it if yes.
(Found the clue from
this forum thread.)
- How to convert a .m4a audio file to FLAC format?
==> Use ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -y -i infile.m4a -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec flac outfile.flac
Converting to OGG format also by using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -y -i infile.m4a -acodec pcm_s16le -f wav - | oggenc -q 6 -o outfile.ogg -
The above tips are obtained……
worklog - week 120702
- 1 Standalone XBMC and WiFi
- 2 More Things Learned
- 2.1 I. Fending Off annoying Ubuntu Keyring dialogs
- 2.2 II. Customizing the Grub boot menu
Since the Standalone XBMC replaces Gnome for the desktop manager, the Gnome Network Manager wouldn't get started. So, we have to use command lines to set up the WLAN configurations. (Refer to this worklog of week 120604.)
To connect my XBMC platform to a known wireless access point at startup, I did the following
1. In /etc/init.d/ directory, create a new script file -- which I named as ytt-wlan -- with the content below:
#! /bin/sh
### Validated on Ubuntu 11.04 ###
# stop Gnome’s network manager and
# use Linux wireless tools commands instead.
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
worklog - week 120701
Steps to replace the default Grub splash screen with one's own:
1. Modify /etc/default/grub by
- commenting off the line below:
- changing the setting for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT below:
2. Create a 640x480 PNG file and copy it to /etc/grub.d directory; say the filename is ytt_ubuntu.png;
3. Edit /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme by assigning to GRUB_BACKGROUND the pathname to ytt_ubuntu.png which was just copied:
# First check whether the user has specified a background image explicitly.
# If so, try to use it. Don't try the other possibilities in that case
# (#608263).
if [ -n "${GRUB_BACKGROUND+x}" ]; then
worklog - week 120605
- Portal URL for libhid
- Mihailo's python sample code using libhid
- Unable to locate libhid-dev for Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)
1. Go to this URL to download libhid-0.2.16 tarball; do "./configure && make" and "sudo make install" in the root of the source tree.
2. Download libhid-dev_0.2.15 deb's from this forum thread and use dpkg to install the deb's.
Do the steps below to test the DUT by using test_libhid testing program:
- Replace test_libhid.c in the test subdirectory with this file;
- a test_libhid executable will be built when make is complete;
- run "sudo ./test/test_libhid :" to test libhid with the DUT.
worklog - week 120604
- 1 WLAN
- 1.1 Thursday 12-06-21
- 2 DVB-T
- 2.1 Wednesday 12-06-20
[Q] Why does iwconfig fail to associate my WiFi adapter with an access point, while a wireless connection can be established successfully through Ubuntu (v11.04 Natty) Gnome's Network Manager user interface?
[A] Because Gnome's Network Manager has taken control of all the network connections, iwconfig is unlikely to work as long as Network Manager is running.
In order to use iwconfig, the Network Manager must have been stopped.
Refer to this very helpful thread for more information.
So, the following command lines should be working.
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "WLANSSID" enc s:"happywarmgunn"
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo dhclien……
work log - week 120602
Ubuntu 11.04 (with Linux kernel 2.6.38-8)
Monday, June 4
- re-installed VIA graphics driver with the newer version downloaded from VIA web site (replaced the one provided by Tom of FAE).
Worklog - week 120503
- The periodical screen black-out problem of mplayer running on Ubuntu 10.04.04 seems to have gone with Ubuntu 11.04
- [g]mplayer can send the analog audio now (Ubuntu 11.04 needs to install libpulse-dev and libasound2-dev, etc. by using apt-get additionally. Refer to this document, which was referred to by this discussion thread
Making mplayer source code:
1. For running "./configure --enable-gui", 'yasm' and 'zlib', among other packages, must have been installed;
2. Run the command line below to install yasm, zlib as well as other libraries required for building mplayer with a GUI skin on Ubuntu 11.04:
$ sudo apt-get install yasm zlib1g-dev libx11-dev libXext-dev libgtk2.0-dev
On Ubuntu 10.04.04, one more package -- 'x-dev' must……
work log - 120511
The 5th day working at Happy Island.
Development environment:
- VIA Nano X2 (w/ dual-core X86) processor and VX900 media processor
- Ubuntu Linux 10.04.04 (Lucid) -- upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 later on.
Today's Highlights:
- being able to play DVB-T with mplayer on the VIA eval. board;
(Have to connect a "good" antenna to the main (master) connector on the DiBcom USB module, though.)
However, in Taipei the settings in /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/tw-Taipei initial scan file must be modified before using 'scan' to generate channels.conf. The modified tw-Taipei initial scan file is as shown below.
# Taiwan - Taipei, northern Taiwan
# T freq bw fec_hi fec_lo mod transmission-mode guard-interval hierarchy
T 54……
日期 类别 金额 累计 明细 备注
2012/04/13 Equity 828 828 [初值]
2012/04/13 E-餐饮费 -60 768 中餐
2012/04/13 E-餐饮费 -169 599 晚餐麦当劳
2012/04/13 E-其他支出 -20 579 洗衣服
2012/04/14 E-餐饮费 -40 539 早餐
2012/04/14 E-餐饮费 -70 469 中餐
2012/04/14 E-其他支出 -45 424 印名牌、护贝
2012/04/14 E-餐饮费 -67 357
2012/04/15 E-餐饮费 -31 326 蚬精
2012/04/15 E-餐饮费 -78 248 早午餐
2012/04/15 E-餐饮费 -25 223 饮料
2012/04/15 E-餐饮费 -95 128 晚餐
2012/04/15 E-交通费 -30 98 火车
2012/04/16 Equity 1,000 1,098 [初值]
2012/04/16 E-餐饮费 -34 1,064 晚餐
2012/04/17 E-餐饮费 -68 996 蚬精
2012/04/17 E-餐饮费 -90 906 消夜
2012/04/17 E-餐饮费 -25 881 青草茶
2012/04/17 E-餐饮费 -87 794 晚餐
2012/04/18 E-餐饮费 -60 734 早餐
2012/04/18 A-现金 60 424 晚餐
2012/04/18 A-现金 27 451 优格
2012/04/19 A-现金 50 501 早餐
2012/04/19 A-现金 60 561 中餐
2012/04/20 A-现金 83 644 早餐
2012/04/20 A-现金 ……
黑色六号(英文:Black6),是水族的情报单位,局长为少将Elisn Karen。原先只有总部,但是因为发生falling disater等重量级武器遭到盗用,以及上校Frank Andrea拒绝接任总部之后,黑色六号就划分为总部(Black Evil)与分局(White Angel)这两个单位
总部: 局里本来有名为"蓝莓计划",就是侵略地球的计划。但是却屡次碰壁,大多都是技术问题。正当局长百思不得其解时,一个警铃却给了她一个答案,保存资料部的waterboy计划,竟然被偷走了,而且窃贼竟然躲过围捕,waterboy计划是一个克隆人计划,可以重复制造人物
部门: 部门 机动单位 Devil-1 Devil-2 Devil-3 Devil-4 Devil-5 Devil-6 侦查单位 Raven-1 Raven-2 Raven-3 Raven-4 Raven-5 Raven-6
分局: 黑色六号分局(英文:Black6 white angel),代号white angel,由总部的突破黑围计划(Out of Black)所成立的,主要是维护水族人在地球旅游的安全,和资源维护。
突破黑围计划: 突破黑围计划(Out of Black),由黑色六号总部的所产生的。探员如果不想任职于总部也不想违背水族国安法,可借由这个计划申请调职。 由来: 大部分在总部待过人类探员,都会没办法好好睡一觉,但在发生falling disater重量级武器盗用事件,黑色六号总部和部分尚未调往分局的探员调查后发现,大部分的水族资源都流到地球去,为了不让资源不法使用,于是分局局长就利用这个理由申请调职,而总部也核准这个命令。 部门: 机动单位 Angel-1 Angel-2 Angel-3 Angel-4 ……
[div] [/div][img=][div][div]姓名:Sandy Conie[/div][div]性别:女[/div][div]身高:172[/div][div]体重:40[/div][div]年龄:18[/div][div] [/div][div]外型特征:[/div][div]与 Sarah Conie 长相类似,身穿学生制服[/div][div] [/div][div] [/div][div]个人故事:[/div][div]Sandy Conie 是 Sarah Conie 的双胞胎妹妹,两人都有水族护照,但是 Sandy 还不知道她的姐姐的任职单位,基于好奇心驱使,她决定在暑假的时候前往水族一探究竟,却不甚误闯军用禁[/div][div]区,所幸被姐姐所救,因为当局规定闯入禁区者必须在总部服役,就这样一直服役到 Out of [/div][div]Black 分局成立计划成立后,与姐姐一同调往分局,目前任职于 Rainbow 2,专长是路线规划。[/div][div] [/div][div] [/div][div][img=][/div][div] [/div][div][div]姓名/代号:Sarah……
记得我玩的第一款极速快感游戏是第6代[div][img=][/div][div] [/div][div][img=][/div][div] [/div][div]这款只是浅玩,没有真正去破关[/div][div] [/div][div]而直到升大一的暑假,玩的第二款游戏才投入而且玩到破关[/div][div][img=][/div][div] [/div][div][img=][/div][div] [/div][div]其实这款的游戏,我真正投入的时间都是在与电脑"尬车"[/div][div]而警察的"抓鬼游戏"(我个人的比喻)都是用修改器去玩[/div][div] [/div]
OpenSUSE 11.1, Firefox and Adobe Flash Plugin
On Aug. 13, did the following to enable playing Flash media with Firefox 3.0.4 on OpenSUSE Linux:
1. download Firefox 3.5 2. download Adobe Flash plugin file, '' 3. cp '' to 'plugins' folder of Firefox 3.5 4. cp 'plugins' folder of Firefox 3.5 into /usr/lib/firefox/ (
RIP -- my dog died on July 8, 2009
Her name was Niu-niu (girl). She was born some day in year 1994 or 1995 before my dad adopted her. She passed away at 10am on July 8, 2009. May she rest in peace.