The Wither is a floating three-headed, demonic boss mob with a skeletal appearance.
The Wither looks like a 'demon' creature, and it is a black, skeletal beast with 3 Wither skulls as heads along with a body that consists of a skeletal spike and three prehensile ribcages. It also has white eyes and white mouths.
- Diesel 10, D199/Spamcan, D261, Steam Engine, or George (Thomas & Friends/The Railway Series, Steam Engine is fan-made)
- Johnny Cuba, Dark Tug, or Smelter (TUGS, Dark Tug and Smelter are fan-made)
- Yami (Theodore Tugboat, fan-made)
- Mephiles the Dark, Infinite, Iblis, or Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Jackson Storm, Miles Axlerod, Professor Z, Frank, or The Screamin' Banshee (Cars)
- Stinky Pete, Scud, or Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear (Toy Story)
- Monster X, King Ghidorah, or Desghidorah (Godzilla)
- Bully Bill, Does Bad Things Guy, or Mr. Goodman (SuperMarioLogan)
- Dark Bowser, Dark Star, or Dimentio (Super Mario Bros.)
- Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
- Satan, T-Rex, or Death (Animaniacs)
- Death or Jeffery Fecalman (Family Guy)
- Jinpachi Mishima, Ogre, or Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
- Satan or ManBearPig (South Park)
- Nightmare (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- The Fib or The Grim Tickler (Veggietales)
- Ronald McDonald (RackaRacka)