Walter Edward Nate Henwick Better known as Wally Henwick is the Middle son of the Henwick.
. he is Also the Inspiration of every Children in the Marsupilami franchise to go to the Palombian rainforests, Because he was the First child in go to the Rainforests and want to Help protect it. he is Also the Tallest of the Henwick sons, Bigger than his Liitle sister Suzzie Henwick, and Taller than hig Big Brother Patricio. Wally is an Disabled 13 years-old boy who got Disable since 5 years-old, but, he Always shows to everybody Disabled People can still do Anything (as his Catchphrase says). he is an Recurring character of the 1993-1994 Pinwheel's Marsupilami Show, he Appeared in 3 episodes; The First child in Palombia, Wally's New Adventure, and Patricio and the Rainforest. he is Also Main Male Protagonist of the Locos Arts/Nelvana 2009-2014 series The Mixed-Up Adventures of Wally and Friends, and the Main Protagonist of the 2005-2007 cartoon show Cyborg Kid.
- Gender: Male
- Species: Wanihel Deity (With Disabled Human Appearance)
- Alignment: Very Good
- Romance: Formerly: N/A. Currently: Plum Devort
- Age: 13 (19th encarnation of an 13000 years Deity Breed, Wanihels)
- Clothes: Green T-shirt with Yellow Linings, Black Pants, Dark Green Tennis Shoes
- Powers: Super Strength, Animal transformations, Force Fields, Physical Shift to Reptiles Deity and Fly
- His Eyes gets Light Blue when he uses his Psychics)
- Personality: Nice, Nature Lover, Smart, Helpful, Autistic, Cautious, Quickly Thoughtful, Agile (though he is Disabled), Hyperactive, Funny, Kind.
- Good Points: Determined (on a During Peace era), Marvelous, Self-Reliable (but not in Excess), Lucky, Pacific (normally), Plucky, Quiet, Generous, Cool, Humble, Able to do Anything.
- Bad Point: Unhappy, Insecure, Annoyed, Frustrated, Sassy (all Once in a While).
- Dream/Goal: to Make an Nature and City peace Era (Succeed), Break up with Plum (briefly)
- Likes: Nature (specially rainforests), Plum, Reforesting (After going to the Pre-Kinder), Helping poor People with their Problems, Humility, Japanese stuff, Mysterious Nature Places, Colour Green, Show Disabled People can Still do Anything, Breaking the Fourth Wall (both Mostly).
- Dislikes: Deforestation, Plum causing Trouble (but he Always forgives her when she Learns about her Mistakes), Troublemakers, Arrogance, Dr. Badmindguy's Jungle Domination Plans.
- Family: Friedrich (Father), Rebecca (Mother), Zonia (Younger Sister), Suzzie (Youngest Sister), Patricio (Older Brother), Fuzzy (Pet Cat), Plum (Wife in Netaworld franchise)
- Friends: His Family, Marsu (since the First time they Met one each Other), Hector (Childhood friends), Thiane, Marsupilamie, Bibi, Bibu, Bobo, Chief Native Palombian (all Normally), Plum (Current Girlfriend), Jules (Good Friend), Mr. Devort (Father-in-Law), Bernard, Caroline, Sarah (Except by her Arrogance), Iris, Isidore (Best Friend), Zoe (Because for her Wally it's her Best Babysitter), Benny & Henry Jerboa, Felicia Dominica, Rolex (Assistant), Feek, Luciano Sanchez, Koni, Neilina, Claude, Oldman Rico and others
- Frenemies: Jules (formerly), The Native Trio (Only in Hidden-Ear Operation cases), Francois Bourgeois, Presto Cesáire (both briefly), Stewiacke Weinstein, Ashleigh Weinstein, Winston Weinstein (All three by Try to cause Plum's death), Sarah (Only when she's Not humble), Martha (sometimes), High, Nari, Moro, Jaguars, Zoey Lynn Wilsons.
- Rivals: Ernest Bulleid (Arch-Rival), Connor Spielberg
- Enemies: Dr. Nestor Badmindguy (Arch-Nemesis), Dr. Maxwell, Valencia "Fecilia" Drivords, Blu Print, Ollie Stroy (All three until BiA: TAoW&F Season 4), All 10 Members of the Palombian Gang (Only in Hidden-Ear Operation cases), Brenham Backalive, Doodle-Wally, Evil Helwick (Evil Counterparts), Princess Ponibella, Cleptus the Crow, Oscar Cat, Fliney, Zack the Burglar Squid, Infermon Demon, Inkswell the Sun-Destructor, Lartiot Pandora, Lord Willard Bonter IV, Rick of the Death, Gloria Snute, Crocadrian, Serpensid, Ogthar, Hexxus, Darla Dimple, Ponibella's Prince, Jannett Andreas, Oogie Boogie, Winxle-bot and every Pinwheel villains
Normally = Wally is an Disabled, Shy, Insecure and Afflicted, but he reveals is very Nice, Really Cool, Plucky, Kindhearted, Friendly, Smart and Optimist autistic Boy, Always Set for an City and Jungle peace Era (succeed at the Last episode of the Back in Action 2009-2014 TV Animated Series).
Freely = He also Revealed himself as Wise, Strong, a Little bit Hyperactive, Fun-Loving, Happy, Pacific and Romantic with Plum, as she is Romantic with Wally since 2003, after Breaking up with Hector and Replace him. The Only problem, it's he's Very Hyperactive, and that Makes him make an City and Jungle Peace era; a thing that's Extremely Hard, cause as Seen in the Locos Arts 2009 TV Series, He, his Girlfriend, and the Girl's Little Brother, needs the 290 Rainbow Prisms.
Patricio Henwick[]
Patricio is Wally's 21 Years-old Big Brother, though his Younger brother is Very tall, and the Older one in Shorter than him, Patircio is bigger that His and Wally's Youngest Sister; Suzzie. Wally wants to go to the Palombian Rainforest, but this time, his Parents tells him all the Family will have an Vacation in Palombia with him. Unaware to Him, his Grumpy big brother Patricio Helwick, who though being Older than wally is shorter than Him and haves a Punk styled Hair, comes with him too.. soon in the Jungle, Wally presents his Family, the Animal family that he Met, and tells the Marsus about their Definition in School (as how they takes Attack when somebody Destroy their Natural Home so Irresponsibly). but Patricio, is not so Pleased about it, then, Wally tells Marsu his Big Brother is a bit Grumpy, and he Doesn't know about them.. but then Wally confuses the Marsupilamis are Trying to attack Patricio, that Makes him Angry and Tells the marsus, he would not Forgive them until new Advice, the Next day, Marsu tries make his Best, and Apologize patricio about Judging him, Patricio forgives him, and then he Feels better after relaxing, Wally, Always being nice with Others, feels Happy and Forgives the Marsus about Thinking bad about what have they done to his Brother... later Wally and his Family gets ready to go Home, and Wally says goodbye to his Friends the Marsupilamis, and tells them he will se them Again one day.
- Status = Brothers
Suzzie Henwick[]
Suzzanite Katrin Helwick (a.k.a Mars) is Wally's Capricious and Effeminate 6 Years-Old Little Sister, she can be a Little bit Silly and Mischievious with her Older Sibling, and also Once in a While Troublesome, that Wally's Parents usually Punishes her for only 3 Minutes... But, as an Heiress, she Now she has her Older Sibling to help her with to learn about her Troubles and Mistakes.
- Status = Siblings (Brother and Sister)
Anna Zonia[]
Anna Zonia is Wally's Light-Pale skinned Cousin, who is a little Bit Strange, Very Dumb and Rejected by the Others, Wally and Zonia, shared a lots of Things with Crocontine, Zonia's Best Friend. Status = Cousins
Plum Devort[]
Wally Helwick is Plum's Love Interest since 2003, she and the Devort Family moved in Floridaland, where Wally lives in a Town on the Jungle. Wally makes Plum happier than Hector to her, and always all her Happiness with Wally makes her move and Shake happier than Hector, her Ex-Boyfriend.
- Status = Lovers and Best Friends
Jules Devort[]
Status = Good Friends (formerly Frenemies)
Status = Best Friends
Hector Forster[]
When he had 6 years-old, Hector and him were Happy sharing Nature, and Both wished to Visit an Jungle one Day. Status = Childhood Friends/Rivals
- Thiane Forster: Friends
- Marsupilamie: Compilated
- The Marsu Triplets: Friends
- Native Palombia Trio: Frenemies (Once in a While)
- Dr. Badmindguy: Arch-Enemies
- Sarah: Friends (normally), Frenemies (by her Arrogance)
- Iris: Enemies
- Isidore: Best Friends
Cronologic Script[]
Mr. and Mrs. Henwick, two Persons with an Nature protection Company, looks their Middle son Wally, an Disabled and Handsome boy, but with an Big Heart for Nature Animals, wanted to visit an Natural place to have his Pacific adventures, and his Parents tells him there is an Rainforest in the Amazon called Palombia, next Day, wally leaves to his Parents an Letter that says he went to Palombia to get his Pacifist Adventure. There Wally meets the Marsupilami, and his Family, and haves Adventures with them, like a Great Time for Playing, and Making an Speech for School, in November, he and his Family, unaware, Wally, always Nice, tries to make his Big sibling Patricio. after some Problems Wally finally makes him Happy and then he says Goodbye to the Marsu family, and tells them he will see them Soon. in the Glaroix adventure Third games, Plum discovered Hector and the Palombia gang Kidnapped three Little Nature Neurohns, and went secretly to get Revenge on Hector, during her Adventure with Gareth, they get the Help of a Mysterious talking Bush with own Life. at last Plum comes to Hector and Thiane's camp where all the Gang has made a Dating Party (that soon would get Cancelled when Plum refuses to Forgive hector and decides to leave him Behind), but Plum wasn't happy any longer, she sadly tells the Gang she was Dissapointed with all of them about the Kidnap to her Favourite Nature animals this Morning, and she was also Angry with Hector, cause he and his friend Marsu lied Plum about their Love to nature, and she felt betrayed and Refuses to be Hector's Best Friend any Longer. she decided to be alone for a While with Gareth, there, both Discovers the talking Bush that helped both of them was Plum's future Boyfriend; Wally Helwick, the Disable and Handsome boy, but with an Big Heart. Plum quickly felt in Love with him and Now she want to Help him Protect the Rainforests of Palombia from Deforestation after Listening wally was the First child in Come to Palombia. then when Plum comes back to Town, Jules ask her what Happened to Hector, and Plum tells her Sibling she Broke up with Him, but Wally, the First child in want to Protect the Rainforest of Palombia, made with her an New couple, and Wally shows plum, he can also Break the Fourth wall, and tells her and her Sibling; the Marsupilami fanbase wanted Plum make a Couple with Wally. then Wally, gets his Last date with Plum, as the First adventure he had with Marsu, Plum's little brother Jules joins to them Too, and them Wally meets his Childhood friend and Plum's Ex-boyfriend; Hector, though Plum was afraid Hector would get Jealous of it. later Plum shoot Hector away, Wally makes her get in Reason. Although Plum hates hector Inside, she forgives him and Hector promises her to be Only friends, and Admits wally and her will be a Better couple than Hector and Plum, and Marsu, after a Large Battle against Plum, her Formerly-obnoxious, but Currently-Curious Sibling Jules, and her Normally-Pacifist boyfriend Wally, he agrees with Wally to make with Plum a Better couple
First appearances[]
4th February, 1997: The First child in Palombia (Pinwheel's Marsupilami S1, 1993)[]
Mr. and Mrs. Henwick, two Persons with an Nature protection Company, looks their Middle son Wally, an Disabled and Handsome boy, but with an Big Heart for Nature Animals, wanted to visit an Natural place to have his Pacific adventures, and his Parents tells him there is an Rainforest in the Amazon called Palombia, next Day, wally leaves to his Parents an Letter that says he went to Palombia to get his Pacifist Adventure. There Wally meets the Marsupilami, and his Family, at the Start they didn´t cared About him, but later to Discover though being Disabled, he can do Anything and got Psychic force Habilities. at the Start the Marsus judge their Power, but after see Wally can be Useful, just like them, The Marsupilamis apologize Wally, when he tells them he Wanted to help Protect the Rainforests, since he was a Baby, and his Parents made an Nature Protecting company... later, Wally has to Leave, but before that, he Makes an Friendship mark to the Marsu's Tree as an Remembering of their First friendship, soon at Home, Wally tells his Family about his First adventure in Palombia, and how he made a New animal Friend.
16th June, 1997: Wally's New Adventure (Pinwheel's Marsupilami S1, 1993)[]
One day as Another one, Wally decices to play in the Rainforests of Palombia, there he Meet once again his Old Friends of this Place, the Marsus, and he tells them he is Trying to make an Speech for School after the Holidays finishes. while the Marsus try to think how to Help Wally, Brenham appears and Tries to catch them, and some Workmen are Destroying the Trees of the Place... Then the Marsupilamis looks, Wally have Inspired himself in the Adventure the Family had and Finishes his Speech, it was an Definition of the Marsus, waht they Eats and how they Attack when someone destroy their Home Irresponsibly.
9th November, 1997: Patricio and the Rainforest (Pinwheel's Marsupilami S2, 1994)[]
Once again, Wally wants to go to the Palombian Rainforest, but this time, his Parents tells him all the Family will have an Vacation in Palombia with him. Unaware to Him, his Grumpy big brother Patricio Helwick, who though being Older than wally is shorter than Him and haves a Punk styled Hair, comes with him too.. soon in the Jungle, Wally presents his Family, the Animal family that he Met, and tells the Marsus about their Definition in School (as how they takes Attack when somebody Destroy their Natural Home so Irresponsibly). but Patricio, is not so Pleased about it, then, Wally tells Marsu his Big Brother is a bit Grumpy, and he Doesn't know about them.. but then Wally confuses the Marsupilamis are Trying to attack Patricio, that Makes him Angry and Tells the marsus, he would not Forgive them until new Advice, the Next day, Marsu tries make his Best, and Apologize patricio about Judging him, Patricio forgives him, and then he Feels better after relaxing, Wally, Always being nice with Others, feels Happy and Forgives the Marsus about Thinking bad about what have they done to his Brother... later Wally and his Family gets ready to go Home, and Wally says goodbye to his Friends the Marsupilamis, and tells them he will se them Again one day.
4th February, 2003: Glaroix Adventure:[]
In the Third game of the Compilation; Glaroix Adventure (5th April, 2003), Set in the Year 2003, the Palombian Gang had Kidnapped three Neurohns brothers: (that looks like Jay, Ray & May), After watching this, Gareth Glaroix Arkadian (Dr. Frank Arkadian's Grandson) comes to her House and she sees about the Kidnap, making her get a Heartbreak, Regretted of the Adventures and Dates she had with Hector, she Discovered he is not Good enough to be her Boyfriend, and decides to Sneak away, but this time to get revenge on Hector by the crime, but when she Takes Stroy's weapons, then she Discovers Gareth is an Pacifist Scientist, with Undamageable Elements, plum Tells her sibling Jules to stay here, and the Ex-spoiled Brat, remembering his Change, decides to Obey her sister, and Stays home Playing some Racing games and some Educational games, while her Sister and Gareth comes to an Adventures.
then she and Gareth came to the Palombian Gang to Fight against them and Save the Furrie Bros, and when they both came to the Palombian gang's place, she tells to the Gang how dissapointed and betrayed she felt by the Kiddnaping, she also Says furiously to Hector, he Lied to her about Marsu and him's Nature caring, also says her Love with him would not be Forever and she Breaks on Him and she Lets the Pacific scientins Gareth comfront them, but Before that, he Tells plum that called three Heroes and Two Heroines to help; Ellie Grace, Petra Chirps, Mickey Hans, Terry Scale & Wally Helwick, being that last one, Plum's Future boyfriend, who tells her, he was the First child in come to Palombia, and wants to Make other children learn about Caring nature, Cause since he was a Baby, he was a Nature Lover, that Surprises Plum, and she Looks wally's Still can do anything (Like conquer her for Example; by Favor and Boon of the Pinwheel Fans).
After the Comfronting (Which that was Pacifist), Gareth tells the Gang to free the 3 Neurohns, so they all Accept and free them. Later, plum tells the Gang although they we're Sorry, when there's Hidden-Ear Operation, she will Fight them Anyways, then She takes her Toy, All Her Photos, Hector's heart Flower, but Hector decides. Unfortunally for Him, his Aunt Thiane and his Friends, The Damage was already done, making Hector fails in Apologize his Former Love Interest, and Plum tells to Hector she won't Forgive him for a long Time, and she'll never Miss him and Marsu this Time, and hits hector with her paddleball as Revenge Method by the Kiddnapping, getting the Date & the Party and future Anniversaries of Hector and Plum's love, cancelled forever, the she Flies with the Heroic Guys on their Flying Lizard.. though, Hector tells all his Native friends the Marsus & his Aunt Thiane, although Plum doesn't Loves him anymore. then Plum has Practice Dating, This time with her New Love Interst Wally.
June 2005-May 2006: Cyborg Kid (2005-2007 series)[]
In 2005, Wally decides to Explore the Jungle with his Psychic power, and a Bionic Super Arm. Unaware, he Entires a Evil scientist; Dr. Nestor Badmindguy, tries to Take Palombian Fauna Control, for Conquer the Rainforest.
December 2006: Wally's New Friends (2006 Pinwheel Short)[]
In a 11 minutes Pinwheel Short, Set in the Year 2006, After she and her Little brother met so in Found Wally, he tells them about his Psychic Super-powers, his Inteligence and his Strengh. so Plum invites him to Explore Palombia, Then Plum decides to Practically date, but This time, with her New Love Interest Wally, then he tells Jules, he Knows and Loves Palombia more than Anybody Else, because he was the First kid, in was an Nature Lover as a Baby, After meeting on Palombia rainforests, and he Wishes an City and Nature peace Era, an Healthy era (No Pollution, Healthy Life & more). Jules gets surprised a lot looking He Knows more of the Jungle than the Palombian Gang. so they Comes with wally to have Fun (Even with his Psychic Super-Powers), Collecting Fruit, stoping Jaguars so Quickly, and Swimming in the Lake (after Wally says Luckily he's Water Testing), and Plum discovers She and wally has the Same personality, & learns about the Nature Loving more than when she was with her former boyfriend Hector.
Later wally heard about Plum's former Love Interest Hector and wanted to Meet fine him Again and the Palombian Gang. Plum had already passed the anger and Hatred towards the Palombian Gang, but she get Nervous about how "Jealous" would Hector be by This. but Anyways she Accepts wally's Wish. Then, wally reveals he was Hector's partner in the Kindergarten, and Hector surprises himself how Tall & Disabled wally looks, Plum tells hector wally can still do Anything even though he was Disabled (Like Wally always says his Catchphrase: 'Disabled people are Still able to do Anything'). Wally, Plum and Jules after having a Time with the Gang, they Decides to do a Waltz, but the Gang though it was a Trap, so they Go to the City Saloon. After passing Guards, the Gang finally finds Wally and Plum nearly to Kiss one each Other, Hector tries to Stop it, but Plum Tells him there are Loves that Doesn't last Forever, and Asks him to find a New Girlfriend, Hector refuses and the Marsus and the rest of the Gang attacks Wally Despite his Inner angel, Making Plum very furious with the Gang, so she loses the Papers, & Attacks them so Awfully Avenging Wally's Suffering, and Takes his Psycho Bracelet for Launch Hector away.
Plum cries by Wally's "Death", but one of her Tears gets him Back to Life and Tells her, he Wasn't happy about what Happened to the Gang, that makes her feeling Guilty, she had to gets, but he apologize Plum for Letting him lose his life for a while, because , Meanwhile, Hector floats in a Wood Raft furious with Plum, Swearing Revenge on Her, and he Ends of a Lonely nowhere Small Island, with an Talking Skeletons.
June 2007: Wally Henwick & Friends Chronicle (2007 Videogame)[]
6 Months after the Deal, wally tries to Help Plum know her Mistakes of 6 Months ago, but Then the Palombian Gang returns Decided to take Revenge on Plum, but Wally tries to calm them the Damage had Vanished, Until Silly Jules makes the Gang fly Everywhere in the World with a Magic blast, Puzzling his Big Sister and her Boyfriend Wally. but that last one Tells both his Plan; Pacify and Cure the Gang with an Magic Injury Curing Sphere's Powers, before they gets their Revenge (at Least in the Pacifist Run).
Then they get Around the World to find all Members of the Palombian Gang, and Pacify them and cure their Injuries that Plum left to them. They Find Beedurkey in the Valleys of Canada, Ashlimeus Cutie-Pie in the Middle of the Indonesian Valley, Marsupilamie in an Aquatic zone in Denmark Bay, Eillriok (The Chief Native Palomian) in the Villages of South Africa, Bibu high in the Icy Everest Mount, Bibi in the Entrance of the Lost City of Petra, Bobo in the India Forests, & Thiane in the Rainforests of Thailand, and that's how they are Curing the Gang's Injuries with Magic little by little. and Plum & Jules learn being more Nice and Humble thanks to Wally's Humility, Kindness, Super Intelligence about Nature, and Bravery that he has Since he was 2-years Old.
In the Middle of Scotland, they Find Hector, horribly Injured, he Says he went to get Revenge of Plum by the Last Time, she tries to Apologize during the Battle, and Finally it works after Wally Cures him. Plum tells Hector although the Damage caused in 2003 was Already done, they both will be Friends, then she Tells Wally and Hector they both will be Always good Friends, she also tells that both are Special for her, but she Learnt Being Good, more Humble and Nature Caring with Wally more than with Hector, and him Admits nicely Wally, he will make a Better job with Plum than him. Then Wally and his Friends climbs the Scottish Castle and finds an Injured Marsu, who Interested about the Curing of them to all the Gang, he decides to Challenge the 3 Children to a Final Battle, where Marsu mix all Powers of his Family and Friends at the Same Time, but after that Hard Fight, Wally, Plum and Jules finally cures Marsu' Injuries with Magic, and he Forgives them by their Actions, later they Decide to have a Holidays in Floridaland. Finishing happily this Oficial Cronology
Counterparts (Marsupilami version) (Hero Version) (Boy version) (Pinwheel Men Version)[]
- Stanley (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, both are Nice and Shiny)
- Thomas (TUGS; Fan Made)
- Truro (Theodore Tugboat)
- Stanley the Bugman or Waluigi (Super Mario Bros., both share the same first name)
- Robot Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
- Tarayzan (Rayman)
- Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog, both are silver, are the same kind of creature as the main character, and their names start with the letter s)
- Banjo Possum (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- Buddy (Animaniacs)
- Takmura (Bionicle)
- Marvin K Mooney (Dr. Seuss)
- Alan "The Brain" Powers (Arthur)
- Tom Grape (VeggieTales)
- Sparky or Swinub (Pokemon)
- Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter)
- Timothy the Thunder (Harror the Robot)
- Dustin Chamberlain (West Wilson Middle The TV Series)
- Stanley (Stanley, both share the same first name)
- Stanley,Finn McMissile or David Hobbscapp (Cars 1 & 2)
- Stahnly (Coilbook, both Rhymes their name)
- Stinky Diver (Kablam!/Action League Now!)
- Huey (Casey Jr. and Friends)
Counterparts (Cyborg Kid/Back in Action version)[]
- Thomas (Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends)
- Ten Cents (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Theodore (Theodore Tugboat)
- Red (Firehouse Tales; 2005)
- Wilson (Chuggington)
- Jack (Jack and the Pack)
- Culdee (Mountain Engines)
- RS Mr. Conductor or GC Mr. Conductor (Shining Time Station)
- Mario (Super Mario Bros.: both starts with "Mar" main heroes)
- Marth (Fire Emblem)
- Waluigi (SuperMarioRichie)
- David (The Upside Down Show/The Umbilical Brothers)
- Bozz (Cubeez)
- Russ Thompson Jr. (Honey I Shrunk The Kids)
- Greg or Anthony (The Wiggles)
- Dib Membrane (Invader Zim; both are heroes)
- Steve (Blue's Clues)
- Sportacus (LazyTown)
- Anpanman (Namesake series)
- Bruce (The Hooley Dooleys)
- Ringo Starr or John Lennon (The Beatles)
- Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
- Terry Kath (Chicago (Band))
- Larry Fine (The Three Stooges)
- Lindsey Buckingham or Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac)
- Clarence Wendle (Clarence)
- Charlie Brown (Peanuts/Charlie Brown)
- Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Joe Walsh, or Deacon Frey (Eagles (Band))
- Mike Nesmith or Peter Tork (The Monkees)
- Graham Russell (Air Supply)
- Henry Hart (Henry Danger)
- Jake Long (American Dragon Jake Long)