The Spider Mastermind is the 1st boss of Doom.

Spider Mastermind
- Bulstrode, George, The Chinese Dragon, Spencer or Diesel 10 (Thomas and Friends) (Bulstrode and Spider Mastermind are both mean, silvery, and big)
- Bluenose or Johnny Cuba (TUGS)
- Cabot (Theodore Tugboat)
- Shadow, SATam Robotnik, or Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- MetalSeadramon (Digimon)
- Ogre (Tekken)
- Cyclopsis (Power Rangers)
- Krang (Teenage Munat Ninja Turtles, both are leaders, yet frail compared to their most direct officer. They're also brains)
- Buu, Tao Pai Pai, or King Cold (Dragon Ball Z)
- Destoroyah or X (Godzilla)
- Dr. Willy (Mega Man X)
- The Screamin' Banshee, Frank, Miles Axlerod, Professor Z, Sterling, or Tony Trihull (Cars)