The LPS Pets Visit Shining Time Station is a crossover series based on Shining Time Station and the 2012 remake of Littlest Pet Shop featuring Blythe Baxter and the pets from Littlest Pet Shop and the Shining Time Station cast.
Major Guest Stars[]
- Blythe Baxter
- Russell Ferguson
- Pepper Clark
- Vinnie Terrio
- Minka Mark
- Zoe Trent
- Sunil Nevla
- Penny Ling
Minor Guest Stars (in certain episodes that need any of them)[]
- Mrs. Twombley
- Roger Baxter (Blythe's dad)
- Youngmee Song
- Sue Patterson
- Jasper Jones
- Whittany and Brittany Biskit
Episode 1: Achoo[]
- Thomas Stories told by George Carlin.
Thomas Stories[]
- Trust Thomas
- Whistles and Sneezes
LPS Flashback Story[]
- What Did You Say? (Blythe's story about the time she was sick and couldn't understand the pets)
Episode 2: He Loves Me He Loves Me Not[]
- Thomas Story told by George Carlin.
Thomas Story[]
- He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
LPS Flashback Story[]
- Trading Places (Penny's story about the time she tried to help Zoe by telling Digby how she feels about him)
Episode 3: Schemer's Special Club[]
- Thomas Story told by George Carlin.
- Featuring guest appearances by Whittany and Brittany Biskit.
Thomas Story[]
- Oliver Owns Up
LPS Flashback Story[]
- Eve of Destruction (Zoe's story about her rivalry with the European dog model, Madame Pom)
- It is revealed that Fisher Biskit is also a member of the Nickellaire Club.
Episode 4: Mysterious Stranger[]
- Thomas Stories told by George Carlin.
Thomas Stories[]
- Come Out, Henry!
- Henry to the Rescue
LPS Flashback Story[]
- Blythe's Pet Project (Pepper's story about when things keep missing in the Pet Shop, and a squirrel named Shivers is the main suspect)
- In addition to Mr. Conductor's sketch pad and Stacy's cap, some of the pets are missing a few things as well.
Episode 5: Fortune Teller Schemer[]
- Thomas Stories told by George Carlin
Thomas Stories:[]
- Thomas and the Conductor
- A Cow on the Line
LPS Flashback Story:[]
- Pawlm Reading (Blythe's story about when a faux palm reader conned pet owners into buying her pet food.)
Episode 6: Bully for Mr. Conductor[]
- Thomas Story told by George Carlin
Thomas Story[]
- Bulgy
LPS Flashback Story[]
- Alligators and Handbags (Penny's story about when a new day camper, Wiggles McSunbask ordered her and the other pets about until he showed his true colors.)
Episode 7: Dance Crazy[]
- Thomas Story told by George Carlin.
Thomas Story[]
- Percy Runs Away
LPS Flashback Story[]
- So You Skink You Can Dance (Vinnie's story of when he went to Hollywood for a tour of his favorite show, Shake-a-Leg, and helped Blythe dance during a taping of the show)
Episode 8: Mr. Conductor's Movie[]
- Thomas Story told by George Carlin.
Thomas Story[]
- Tender Engines
LPS Flashback Story[]
- Lights, Camera, Mongoose! (Sunil's story of when he switched places Shahrukh and went on a movie set)
Episode 9: Things That Go Ga-Hooga in the Night[]
- Thomas Stories told by Ringo Starr.
Thomas Stories[]
- Percy's Ghostly Trick
- Woolly Bear
LPS Flashback Story[]
- Eight Arms to Hold You (Russell's story of when he and Blythe had a sleepover at Littlest Pet Shop)