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TDs 5 and 6

I was wondering two things, why were the environmental conditions unfavorable for development (was it a cool trail left behind by whatsitsface?), and was there interaction between the systems? It boggles the mind, my friend! ; ) IP 12:28, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

Dry air. You can see in the satellite image, both systems were choked of convection. They eventually ran out and sheer took over. There was a slight interaction between the two, but they were too weak to turn each other. Cyclone1(02:34 UTC -1/09/2007)
By the way, Dominick, Elsa, and Ford coming soon. Cyclone1(02:37 UTC -1/09/2007)
Yes! My ploy to get him working on this again so I'm not bored in the afternoons HAS SUCCEEDED! IP 23:28, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

Err make that Elizabeth. Elsa was too old-lady-ish. Cyclone1(03:00 UTC -2/10/2007)
