Stan The Blue Boy and Friends is a South Park/Thomas Parody Series
- Stan Marsh as Thomas
- Randy Marsh as Edward
- Gerald Broflovski as Henry
- Chef as Gordon
- Eric Cartman as James
- Kenny McCormick as Percy
- Mr. Garrison as Toby
- Kyle Broflovski as Duck
- Terrance and Phillip as Donald and Douglas
- Craig Tucker as Oliver
- Scott Tenorman as Diesel
- Jimmy Valmer as Bill
- Timmy Burch as Ben
- Stuart McCormick as BoCo
- Shelly Marsh as Daisy
- Liane Cartman as Mavis
- Clyde Donovan as Stepney
- Wendy Testaburger as Emily
- Tweek Tweak as Bertie
- Token Black as Salty
- Big Gay Al as Harvey
- Bill Allen as Arry
- Fosse McDonald as Bert
- Ned Gerblanksky as Fergus
- Steve (From American Dad) as Skarloey
- Barry (From American Dad) as Rheneas
- Snot (From American Dad) as Sir Handel/Falcon
- Ike Broflovski as Peter Sam/Stuart
- Klaus (From American Dad) as Rusty
- Roger (From American Dad) as Duncan
- Greg and Terry (From American Dad) as Mighty Mac
- Toshi (From American Dad) as Fearless Freddie
- Grandpa Marvin Marsh as Duke
- Stewie (From Family Guy) as Smudger
- Mark Cotswolds as Proteus
- Leonard Nimoy (from The Simpsons) as Bertram
- Stephen Stotch as Arthur
- Tammy Warner as Lady
- Satan as Diesel 10
- Nathan and Mimsy as Splatter and Dodge
- Mr. Mackey as The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt
- Principal Victoria as Lady Hatt
- Butters Stotch as Billy
- Tim (From The Cleveland Show) as Terence
- Herbert (From Family Guy) as Trevor
- Towelie as Toad
- Saddam Hussein as Bulgy
- Damien Thorn as George
- Evil Stan Clone as Scruffey
- Robot Santa as The Spiteful Breakvan
- Arnie Pye (From The Simpsons) as Harold
- Peter (From Family Guy) as Jack
- Chris (From Family Guy) as Alfie
- Derek Wilcox (from Family Guy) as Oliver (Pack)
- Mort (From Family Guy) as Ned
- Lois (From Family Guy) as Isobella
- Quagmire (From Family Guy) as Patrick
- Joe (From Family Guy) as Byron
- Brian (From Family Guy) as Nelson
- Cleveland (From Family Guy) as Kelly
- Dr. Hartman (From Family Guy) as Buster
- Evil Stewie (from Family Guy) as Max
- Thaddeus Griffin (from Family Guy) as Monty
- Mr. Hankey as Whiff
- Dogpoo Petuski as Scruff
- Dr. J. Loren Pyror (from The Simpsons) as Rocky
- Ollie Williams (from Family Guy) as Hector
- Pip Pirrup as Stanley
- Dr. Gouache as Hank
- Nurse as Flora
- Poochie (from The Simpsons) as Butch
- Seamus (from Family Guy) as Captain
- Bebe Stevens as Rosie
- Francine (from American Dad) as Belle
- Stan (from American Dad) as Flynn
- Mayor McDaniel as Old Slow Coach
- Sheila Broflovski as Elizabeth
- Dr. Metphetspio as Cranky
- Rallo (From The Cleveland Show) as Bash
- Cleveland Jr (From The Cleveland Show) as Dash
- Starvin Marvin as Ferdinand
- Itchy (from The Simpsons) as Thumper
- Gregory of Yardale as Spencer
- Kent Brockman (from The Simpsons) as Victor
- Michael D'Amico (from The Simpsons) as Kevin
- Ralph (from The Simpsons) as Charlie
- Officer Barbrady as Murdoch
- Jimbo Kern as Derek
- Jason as Dennis
- Disco Stu (from The Simpsons) as Jeremy
- Trent Boyett as Bulstrode
- Sharon Marsh as Molly
- Rod and Todd (from The Simpsons) as Den and Dart
- Avery Bullock (From American Dad) as Norman
- Jeff Fischer (From American Dad) as Paxton
- Kevin Mephetspio as Sidney
- Carol McCormick as Madge
- Sanders (From American Dad) as Stafford
- Jesus as Hiro
- Death as The Chinese Dragon
- Red as Henrietta
- Scott the Dick as D261
Season 1[]
- Stan and Chef/Stan Gets Tricked
- Randy Marsh and Chef/Randy Marsh Helps Out
- The Sad Story of Gerald/Come Out, Gerald!
- Randy, Chef and Gerald/Gerald To The Rescue
- Stan's Passenger Gnomes/A Big Day For Stan
- Stan and the Gnomes/Trouble For Stan
- Stan and The Breakdown Gnome/Stan Saves The Day
- Cartman and The Passenger Gnomes/Cartman Learns A Lesson
- Troublesome Underpants Gnomes/Foolish Underpants Gnomes
- Cartman and The Express/A Proud Day For Cartman
- Stan and The Octopus/Stan and The Squid
- Stan Goes Fishing
- Stan, Tim and the Snow/Tim the Bear
- Stan and Tweek Tweak/Stan and Tweek Tweak's Great Race
- Kids and Turntables
- Trouble in the House
- Kenny Runs Away
- Sweets/Gerald's Special Sweets
- The Flying Kipper
- Hats and Sneezes
- Mr. Garrison and The Stout Gentleman/Mr. Garrison The Teacher
- Stan In Trouble/Stan Breakes The Rules
- Dirty Objects/Cartman In A Mess
- Off The Pavement/Chef Takes A Dip
- Down The Mine
- Stan's Christmas Party
Season 2[]
- Stan, Kenny and The Sweets/Double Trouble
- Cows/A Cow On The Road
- Tweek Tweak's Chase
- Saved From Scrap
- Old Iron
- Stan and Scruffy/A New Friend For Stan
- Kenny and the Signal
- Kyle Takes Charge
- Kenny and Arnie Pye/Kenny Proves A Point
- The Runaway
- Kenny Takes The Plunge
- Pop Goes the Scott Tenorman
- Dirty Work/Scott Tenorman's Devious Deed
- A Close Shave/A Close Shave For Kyle
- Better Late Than Never
- Robot Santa/Terrance and Phillip
- The Deputation
- Stan Comes To Breakfast
- Shelly Marsh
- Kenny's Predicment
- The Maneisal
- Wrong Road
- Randy Marsh's Exploit
- Ghost Kid/Kenny's Ghostly Trick
- Woolly Bear
- Stan and The Missing Christmas Tree
Season 3[]
- A Scarf For Kenny
- Kenny's Promise
- Time For Trouble
- Chef and The Famous Vistor
- Terrance's Duck
- Stan Gets Bumped
- Stan, Kenny and The Dragon
- Scott Tenorman Does It Again
- Gerald's Forest
- The Trouble With Mud
- No Joke For Cartman
- Stan, Kenny and The Post Gnomes/Stan, Kenny and The Mail Gnomes
- Trust Stan
- Liane Cartman
- Mr. Garrison's Tightrope
- Randy Marsh, Herbert and The Really Useful Party
- Buzz Buzz/Cartman Goes Buzz Buzz
- All At Sea
- One Good Turn
- Tender Kids
- Escape
- Craig Owns Up
- Saddam Hussein
- Heroes
- Kenny, Cartman and The Fruitful Day
- Stan and Kenny's Christmas Adventures/Stan and Kenny's Mountain Adventure
Season 4[]
- GranMarsh
- Sleeping Beauty
- Bulldog
- You Can't Win
- Four Little Characters
- A Bad Day For Snot
- Ike and The Refeshment Lady
- Underpants Gnomes/Klaus Helps Ike
- Home At Last
- Rock n Roll
- Special Hat
- Damien
- Passengers and Polish
- Gallant Old Kid/The Gallant Old Kid
- Klaus To The Rescue
- Stan and Clyde
- Kid Stops Play
- Bowled Out
- Gerald and The Elephant
- Towelie Stands By
- Bull's Eyes
- Stan and The Special Letter
- Paint Pots and Queen/Stan Meets The Queen
- Fish
- Special Attraction
- Mind That Bike
Season 5[]
- Mephisto Bugs
- Horrid Man
- A Better View For Chef
- Principal Victoria's Birthday Party
- Cartman and The Trouble With Trees
- Chef and The Gremlin
- Bye Damien!
- Baa!
- Put Upon Kenny
- Mr. Garrison and The Flood
- Haunted Gerald
- Double Teething Troubles
- Clyde Gets Lost
- Mr. Garrison's Discovery
- Something In The Air
- Stan, Kenny and Mayor McDaniel
- Stan and The Rumours
- Craig's Find
- Happy Ever After
- Mr. Mackey's Holiday
- A Suprise For Kenny/A Big Suprise For Kenny
- Make Someone Happy
- Busy Going Backwards
- Roger Gets Spooked
- Klaus and the Boulder
- Snow
Season 6[]
- Token's Secret
- Big Gay Al To The Rescue
- No Sleep For Mephisto
- A Bad Day For Arnie Pye
- Shelia Broflovski the Woman
- The Fogman
- Peter Jumps In
- A Friend In Need
- It's Only Snow
- Friend Trouble
- The World's Strongest Kid
- Scaredy Kids
- Kenny and The Haunted Mine
- Middle Kid
- Cartman and The Red Balloon
- Jack Frost
- Chef Takes A Tumble
- Kenny's Chocolate Crunch
- Hat Bother
- Mr. Garrison Had a Little Lamb
- Stan, Kenny and The Squeak
- Stan the Jet Kid/Stan and The Jet Engine
- Randy Marsh The Very Useful Man/Randy Marsh the Really Useful Man
- Dunkin Roger
- Klaus Saves The Day
- Faulty Hats
Season 7[]
- Wendy's New Passenger Gnomes
- Kenny Gets It Right
- Jimmy, Timmy and Ned Gerblanksky
- The Old Bridge/The Old Iron Bridge
- Randy Marsh's Brass Band
- What's The Matter With Gerald?
- Cartman and The Queen of South Park
- The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop/The Refreshment Lady's Stand
- The Spotless Record
- Mr. Garrison's Windmill/Mr. Garrison and The Windmill
- Bad Day At Castle Loch
- Barry and The Roller Coaster
- Token's Stormy Tale
- Snow Kid/Craig The Snow Kid
- Something Fishy
- The Runaway Elephant
- Peace and Quiet
- Ned Gerblanksky Breaks The Rules/Stan and The Search For Ned Gerblanksky
- Saddam Rides Again
- Arnie Pye and The Flying Horse
- The Grand Opening
- Best Dressed Kid
- Chef and Gregory of Yardale
- Not So Hasty Puddings/Not So Hasty Cakes/Stan and The Avalanche
- Trusty Klaus
- Three Cheers For Stan/Hooray For Stan
Season 8[]
- Stan and The Tuba
- Kenny's New Hat
- Stan to the Rescue
- Gerald and the Wishing Tree
- Cartman Gets a New Hat
- Stan Saves The Day
- Kenny's Big Mistake
- Stan, Wendy and The Snowplough
- Don't Tell Stan
- Wendy's New Route
- Stan and The Firework Display
- Chef Takes Charge
- Spic and Span
- Randy Marsh the Great
- Squeak, Rattle and Roll
- Stan and The Circus
- Stan Gets It Right
- As Good as Chef
- Fish
- Wendy's Adventure
- Halloween
- You Can Do It Mr. Garrison!
- Chickens To School
- Too Hot for Stan
- Cartman Goes Too Far
- Kenny and The Magic Carpet
Season 9[]
- Kenny and The Oil Painting
- Stan and The Rainbow
- Sharon Marsh's Special Special
- Stan's Milkshake Muddle
- Greg and Terry
- Stan and the Toy Shop/Stan and the Toy Workshop
- Respect For Chef
- Stan and The Birthday Picnic
- Tuneful Toots
- Barry and The Dinosaur
- Stan and The New Kid
- Mr. Garrison Feels Left Out
- Stan Tries His Best
- The Magic Lamp
- Stan and The Statue
- Gerald and The Flagpole
- Wendy Knows Best
- Stan's Day Off
- Stan's New Gnomes
- Roger and The Old Mine
- Bold and Brave
- Steve The Brave
- Saving Randy Marsh
- Stan and The Golden Eagle
- Keeping Up With Eric Cartman
- Flour Power
Season 10[]
- Follow That Flour
- A Smooth Ride
- Stan and Disco Stu
- Kenny and The Funfair/Kenny and The Carnival
- The Green Controller
- Roger Drops a Clanger
- Stan's Tricky Tree
- Mr. Garrison's Afternoon Off
- It's Good To Be Chef
- Seeing The Sites
- Fearless Toshi
- Mr. Garrison's New House
- Randy Marsh Strikes Out
- Topped Off Stan
- Which Way Now?
- Stan and The Shooting Star
- Big Strong Gerald
- Sticky Toffee Stan/Sticky Taffy Stan
- Wharf and Peace
- Stan's Frosty Friend
- Wendy and The Special Passenger Gnomes/Wendy and The Special Gnomes
- Stan and The Colours/Stan and the Colors
- Stan and The Birthday Mail
- Roger's Bluff
- Missing Gnomes/Missing Underpants Gnomes
- Stan and the Treasure
- Cartman The Second Best
- Stan and Steve's Big Day Out
Peter and The Future Contruction Company/Peter and the Pack[]
- A Vist From Stan
- Peter Owns Up
- On Site With Stan
- Kenny's Scary Tale
- Cleveland's Windy Day
- A Happy Day for Kenny
- A Tale for Stan
- Stan and the Moles
- The Tortoise and the Hare
- Kenny Helps Out
- Stan's Trusty Friends
- Chris Has Kittens
- Mud Glorious Mud
Season 11[]
- Stan and The Storyteller
- Wendy's Rubbish/Wendy and The Garbage
- Dream On
- Dirty Work
- Ollie The Horrid
- Chef and The Mechanic/Chef and The Engineer
- Stan and The Spaceship
- Gerald's Lucky Day
- Stan and The Lighthouse
- Stan and The Big Bang
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Stan Sets Sail
- Don't Be Silly Butters
- Randy Marsh and The Mail
- Hide and Peep
- Mr. Garrison's Triumph
- Stan and The Runaway Car
- Stan in Trouble
- Stan and The Stinky Cheese
- Kenny and the Left Luggage/Kenny and the Baggage
- Roger Does It All
- Snot In Charge
- Cool T-Shirts
- Ding-a Ling
- Steve Storms Through
- Wash Behind Your Shoes
Season 12[]
- Stan and The Billboard
- Steady Randy
- Bebe Steven's Funfair Special/Bebe Steven's Carnival Special
- Mountain Marvel
- Gerald Gets It Wrong
- Heave Ho Stan
- Mr. Garrison's Special Suprise
- Excellent Wendy
- The Party Suprise
- Saved You!
- Roger and The Hot Air Balloon
- Cartman Works It Out
- Kid Trouble
- Don't Go Back
- Chef Takes A Shortcut
- The Man In The Hills
- Stan Puts The Hats On
- Kenny and The Bandstand
- Push Me Pull You
- Best Friends
Season 13[]
- Creaky Mepetspio
- The Lion Of South Park
- Tickled Pink
- Double Trouble
- Slippy South Park
- The Early Bird
- Play Time
- Stan and The Pigs
- Time For A Story
- Kenny's Parcel
- Mr. Garrison's New Hood
- A Blooming Mess
- Stan and The Runaway Kike
- Steamy South Park
- Splish Splash Splosh
- The Biggest Pressent Of All
- Snow Paths
- Gerald's Good Deeds
- Buzzy Bees
- Jesus Helps Out
Season 14[]
- Stan's Tall Friend
- Cartman In The Dark
- Pingy Pongy Pick Up
- Ralph and Randy
- Mr. Garrison and The Whistling Woods
- Gerald's Health and Saftey
- Scott Tenorman's Special Deilvery
- Pop Goes Stan
- Kent Brockman Says Yes
- Stan In Charge
- Being Kenny
- Merry Winter Wish
- Stan and The Snowman Party/Stan and the Hats
- Stan's Crazy Day
- Jumping Jobi Wood
- Stan and Dogpoo
- O the Indignity
- Jitters and Japes
- Merry Misty Park
- Mr. Garrison's Magic Box
Season 15[]
- Chef and Starvin Marvin
- Mr. Garrison and Rallo
- Wendy and Cleveland Jr
- Gerald's New Friends
- Randy Marsh The Hero
- Cartman To The Rescue
- Happy Jesus
- Up, Up and Away
- Gerald's Happy Sweets
- Let It Snow
- Suprise Suprise
- Gregory of Yardale The Grand
- Stop That Kid
- Stuck On You
- Big Francine Smith
- Michael The Big Man
- Wonky Hat
- Kenny The Snowman
- Tree Trouble
- Fiery Stan Smith
Season 16[]
- Race To The Rescue
- Ol' Callum Wobbles
- Express Coming Through
- Kenny and The Monster Of South Park
- Ho Ho Snowman
- Flash Bang Wallop!
- Stan and The Rubbish Gnomes/Stan and The Garbage Gnomes
- Stan Toots The Crows
- Bust My Hats
- Kenny and the Calliope
- Stan and The Sounds Of South Park
- Token's Surprise
- South Park Suprise Day
- Wendy's Winter Party Special
- Muddy Matters
- Mr. Hankey's Wish
- Welcome Sanders
- Don't Bother Kent Brockman
- Happy Birthday Ten Cents
- The Christmas Express/Christmas Tree Express
- Stan's Anthem
- Really Useful Kid
- Cartman The Really Splendid Kid
- Token
- Mr. Garrison
- Mr. Mackey
- Togtherness
- Little Kids
- Arnie Pye
- Kenny's Seaside Trip
- Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
- It's Great To Be A Kid
- Ode To Chef
- Stan and The Magic School Park
- Calling All Kids
- Stan and The Great Discovery
- Hero of The School Park
- Misty Park Rescue
- Day of The Bullies
- Blue Mountain Mystery
The South Park Series By Trey Parker as The Rev W Awdry[]
- The Three South Park People
- Stan The Blue Boy
- Kyle The Green Boy
- Blue Boy Stan Again
- Troublesome Kids
- Mr. Garrison the Green Man
- Mr. Mackey The Green Man
- Chef The Blue Man
- Randy Marsh The Blue Man
- Four Little Characters
- Kenny The Orange Boy
- The Eight Famous Kids
- Craig and The Bad Kid
- The Little Old Kid
- The Best Friend Boys
- Main Street Characters
- Gallant Old Robot
- Token the Black Boy
- Mountain Characters
- Very Old Characters
- Main Street Characters
- Small Street Characters
- Enterprising Characters
- Clyde The Red Boy
- Mark Cotswolds The Lost Kid
- Tramway Kids
The South Park Series By Matt Stone as Christopher Awdry[]
- Really Useful Kids
- Cartman and The Canadian Kids
- Great Little Characters
- More About Stan the Blue Boy
- Chef the High Speed Man
- Mr. Garrison, Gnomes and Trouble
- Stan and The Twins
- Kevin Stoley The New Kid
- Stan and The Great Street Show
- Stan Comes Home
- Gerald Broflovski and The Express
- Tweek Tweak The Yellow Boy
- Stan and Mr. Mackey's Kids
- New Little Character
- Stan and Lois Griffin
- Stan and His Friends