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SkullGreymon is a Digimon character and he is a evil ultimate form of Greymon. SkullGreymon could be digivolved from DarkTyrannomon, Growlmon, and Devimon as well.  Friends: DarkKnightmon, Ken Ichijouji as the Digimon Emperor

Enemies: Greymon, MetalGreymon, Tai, Matt, Izzy, Sora, Joe, Mimi, T.K., Birdramon, Cody, Davis, And Yolei.



Counterparts (Villain Version)[]

  • Bulstrode or Diesel 10 (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
  • Zorran or Johnny Cuba (TUGS)
  • Yami, Jasper the Junk Dock or Cabot - (Theodore Tugboat)
  • Lyle Lanley (The Simpsons)
  • Sharptooth or Plated Sharptooth (Land Before Time, both are big and mean)
  • Fleetway Super Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog, fan-made)
  • Black Doom (Sonic)
  • Azazel or Devil Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)
  • Cyclopsis (Power Rangers)
  • Mow (ZOOM)

Counterparts (GoAnimate Version)[]

  • Spencer or Diesel 10 (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
  • Bluenose, Johnny Cuba or Smelter (TUGS)
  • Donald Trump (Angry German Kid)
  • Sharptooth (The Land Before Time)
  • Jinpachi Mishima (Tekken)