Salty's Lighthouse/TUGS is a Parody with TUGS sounds and Salty's Lighthouse clips.
Version 1 (made by FlyingDuckManGenesis) (Do not edit, add, or delete)[]
- Ten Cents as Ten Cents
- Big Stack as Big Mac
- Otis as OJ
- Top Hat as Top Hat
- Warrior as Warrior
- Hercules as Hercules
- Claude as Sunshine
- Grampus as Grampus
- Sea Rogue as Zorran
- The Henchboats (Fan-made characters made by EJB/L&RF) as Zebedee and Zak
- Mr. Bocco as Zip
- Mr. Socco as Zug
- Lillie Lightship as Lillie Lightship
- Sally Seaplane as Sally Seaplane
- Pearl as Pearl
- Salty as Sea Rogue
- Boomer as Boomer
- Bluenose as Bluenose
- Izzy Gomez as Izzy Gomez
- Steamer as Lord Stinker
- Stanley/Chooch as Puffa
- Red Fin as Fire Tug
- Billy Shoepack as Billy Shoepack
- Cappy as The Coast Guard
- Scoop as Jack the Grappler
- Frank as Frank
- Eddie as Eddie
- Octo the Octopus as Little Ditcher
- Big Basil as Big Mickey
- Mighty Moe as Mighty Moe
- Scuttlebutt Pete as Scuttlebutt Pete
Version 2 (made by TongueSpeakingFool) (DO NOT EDIT, ADD OR DELETE!)[]
- Ten Cents as Ten Cents
- Big Stack as Big Mac
- Otis as OJ
- Top Hat as Top Hat
- Warrior as Warrior
- Hercules as Hercules
- Boomer as Sunshine
- Grampus as Grampus
- Sea Rogue as Zorran
- Zebedee and Zak as thierselves
- Zip as himself
- Zug as himself
- Sunshine as Lillie Lightship
- Sally Seaplane as Sally Seaplane
- Pearl as Pearl
- Salty as Sea Rogue
- The Henchboats (Fan-made characters made by EJB/L&RF) as The Green Eyed Pirates
- Steamer as Boomer
- Bluenose as Bluenose
- Izzy Gomez as Izzy Gomez
- Lord Stinker as Lord Stinker
- Stanley/Chooch as Puffa
- Red Fin as Fire Tug
- Billy Shoepack as Billy Shoepack
- The Coast Guard as himself
- Aunt Chovie as The Fulton Ferry
- Scoop as Jack the Grappler
- Frank as Frank
- Eddie as Eddie
- Claude as Little Ditcher
- Big Basil as Big Mickey
- Mighty Moe as Mighty Moe
- Scuttlebutt Pete as Scuttlebutt Pete
Version 3 (Made by ThomasandFriendsfan)[]
- Ten Cents as Ten Cents
- Big Stack as Big Mac
- Otis as OJ
- Top Hat as Top Hat
- Warrior as Warrior
- Hercules as Hercules
- Hank (From TT) as Sunshine
- Sonic (From Sonic) as Captain Star
- Sea Rouge as Zorran
- Snorri (From TT) as Zebedee
- Oliver (From TT) as Zak
- Mr. Bocco and Mr. Socco as Zip and Zug
- Cabot (From TT) as Johnny Cuba
- Bluenose as Bluenose
- Lillie Lightship as Lillie Lightship
- Sally Seaplane as Sally Seaplane
- Boomer as Boomer
- Bulstrode (From TTTE) as Burke
- R Boat (From TT) as Blair
- Evil Johnny Cuba (From TUGS) as Nantucket
- Bayswater (From TT) as Little Ditcher
- Big Basil as Big Mickey
- Scuttlebutt Pete as Mighty Mac
- Mighty Moe as Mighty Moe
- Pearl as Pearl
- Grampus as Grampus
- George (From TT) as Sea Rouge
- Foduck (From TT) as Sea Rouge's Uncle