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Proteus in The Magic Lamp

Number 1, previously 0
Class Small bright yellow engine
Livery Small bright yellow engine
Line Tidmouth-Barrow-in-Furness mainline (formerly)
Skarloey Railway (briefly)
Built 1600 (he was experimental)
Builder Small bright yellow engine
Designers Sir Topham Hatt I and William Stainer
Date to Birth March 6, 1600
Date to Death December 1, 2005/6 (aged 15)
First Appearance The Magic Lamp
Voice Actors Keith Wickham (UK)
Kerry Shale (USA)

Proteus was the name of a steam engine in an old story from the hills. Proteus had a lamp that shone very brightly and was said to be magical. There are three signs that Proteus' lamp is near: a gust of wind, a creaking sound, and a light flashing on and off.

Skarloey once spoke of this legend to the other narrow gayge engines. Peter Sam scoffed at the story at first. Later that evening, when Peter Sam got lost on an evening voyage, he was almost led to believe that the lamp was about. In the end, Peter Sam decided that sometimes it can be good to believe in something. ("The Magic Lamp")


  • Thomas Wooden Railway Model
  • Trackmaster Model


  • Proteus is theme is the Theme of lady Scene from "Thomas and the Magical Railroad" or instrumental from the song, Boo Boo Choo Choo (Music from Sodor).

Counterparts (Thomas Version)[]

Counterparts (Skarloey Version)[]

Thomas & Friends Characters

North Western Railway
Steam Engines - ThomasEdwardHenryGordonJamesPercyTobyDuckDonald and DouglasOliverStepneyHarveyEmilyArthurMurdochMollyNevilleRosieWhiffStanley
Diesel Engines - Class 08DaisyBocoDerekSaltyDennis
Other Engines - Bill and BenMavisClass 40'Arry and BertFergusSpencer
Rolling Stock - Annie and ClarabelThe Flying KipperHenriettaThe Spiteful Brake VanToadOld SlowcoachRockyHector the HorridTroublesome Trucks
Skarloey Railway
Engines - SkarloeyRheneasSir HandelPeter SamRustyDuncanDukeBertrumMighty MacFreddie
Other Narrow Gauge Engines
Arlesdale Railway
Other Vehicles
TerenceBertieTrevorHaroldBulgyGeorgeCarolineBulstrodeCrankyHorrid LorriesButchTiger MothThumperElizabethJackAlfieMax and MontyOliverKellyByronNedIsabellaPatrickBusterNelsonJeremy
Sir Topham Hatt - "The Fat Controller"Lady HattStephen and Bridget HattMrs. KyndlyJem ColeThe VicarThe Refreshment LadyDowager HattMiss Jenny PackardFarmer McCollAlicia BottiThe Brass BandLord CallanThe Duke and Duchess of BoxfordMr. Percival - "The Thin Controller"Mr. Duncan - "The Small Controller"Human characters with fewer than two appearances