P5 Glove and Pure-Data (pb) in Linux. (by jason plumb) link[]
- A page documenting howto use the P5 glove in Linux with pure-data (pd) and OSC.
- Relevant downloads are also available
P5Midi. (by Nicolas Fournel) link[]
- Control a Midi device with the P5's various fingers and axis.
P5 Glove MIDI. (by Ross Bencina) link[]
- Converts P5 glove data into MIDI in windows.
- This is a bit like Nicholas Fournel's P5Midi application except the MIDI codes are hardwired, and the spatial data uses absolute mode.
p5osc. (by Tim Kreger) link[]
- Converts P5 glove data into Open Sound Control (for Mac OSX and other platforms).
P5 Control (by ) link[]
- An AcousModule Plugin
This plugin allows at the same time to visualize the eight controls which are send from a P5 Glove (X, Y, Z position and the bend of the five fingers) and to modify the values. It must receive the MIDI datas that are sent through a MIDI Router by the P5GloveMIDI from Ross Bencina (in absolute coordinates).
It can process the datas in the following manners : - change the controller type - scaling of the curve - invert the direction - shift - transformation of the curves by simple mathematicals functions or a graphical transfert function - lower and upper limit - inertia, to smooth the irregularities of the P5 or create very smooth movements - the thumb can trig a note from a threshold Applications : can be used with a spatialization plugin like the Spat3D16 or with instruments like the SpatSampler.
- Requires P5GloveMIDI from Ross Bencina and a host that can send MIDI datas between plugins.
P5 Keyboard (by ) link[]
- An AcousModule Plugin
Un "clavier" virtuel pour le P5 Glove! Il permet de déclencher quatre notes, la hauteur étant fonction de la position de la main en X. Le pouce et les positions Y et Z sont librement affectables à un contrôleur MIDI et les doigts sont sensibles à la vélocité. S'il est par principe incompatible pour jouer des mélodies conventionnelles, il est tout à fait approprié au contrôle des SpatSampler et SpatSynth où il pourra également contrôler la position spatiale du son.
- English Translation:
A virtual "keyboard" for P5 Glove! It makes it possible to start four notes, the height being a function of the position of the hand in X. The inch and positions Y and Z are freely easily affected to a MIDI controller and the fingers are sensitive to the swiftness. If it is by incompatible principle to play of the conventional melodies, it is completely suitable with the control of SpatSampler and SpatSynth where it will be able to also control the space position of the sound.
- English Translation:
- Requires P5GloveMIDI from Ross Bencina and a host that can send MIDI datas between plugins.
Gestural Music Interface (by Joshua Benjamin). link[]
- "A control interface to manipulate real-time musical signals in a 3D virtual space, based on the P5's characteristics and finger bending."
- This program makes the P5 glove + computer into a musical instrument.
Rejoice (by Steve). link[]
"Rejoice turns your Joystick or P5 Glove into a MIDI controller."
Memory (by White Noise Audio Software & David Wallin) link[]
Memory is an effect which allows you to sample and remix your beats or other material on the fly. It works by allowing you to loop the input it recieves and also change the length of the loop. To use the Memory, it's best to set it up as an inline effect (or as a 100% wet send). Just start playing some input into it and click on the pad. The pad allows you to control the length of the loop and also the cutoff of a filter on the loop. Pad motions are sent as automated parameters, so you can record those parameters in your track as you would record knob tweaks on any synth. Memory can also be triggered via MIDI notes if your host supports sending notes to effects. The usable MIDI range starts around C2 or C3. Each semitone above that represents a different loop value.
- Memory can also be controlled by the P5 Data Glove
P5 Glove Midi Assigner (by DoctorOP aka Daniel Lehrich) link[]
- This program allows the user to assign the P5 glove's outputs to standard MIDI controller messages for use in any standard MIDI application.
Audiovisual concert for data glove and computer (by elektronengehirn) link[]
- With the glove, a p5, the graphics were controlled which controls the sound engine. The visual software is custom made by Malte Steiner with C/C++ and OpenGL while the sound engine is programmed with pd (pure data), both running on a linuxlaptop.
- A performance is available P5_Glove:Videos#Musical
See P5_Glove:Videos#Musical for videos of performances
Artists not mentioned yet[]
Matthew Ostrowski http://www.ostrowski.info/[]
- he [Matthew Ostrowski] has developed a system based around the P5 glove, a commercially available video game controller. This device is connected to a Max/MSP program of his own design, which uses principles of physical modeling to control musical parameters. By manipulating virtual objects in a multidimensional parameter space, his instrument brings some of the nonlinear behaviors of physical objects into the electronic domain.
- colaborative performance with Franziska Baumann, story link1, story link2
Jeremy aka Aamano @ Section 9 link[]
- Jeremy Stacy (aka Aamano) has been using a p5 glove as a part of his live performance project that enhances and expands on the ideas of a traditional DJ set. Using GlovePIE, he maps the glove's controls to midi CC and uses those midi controls to manipulate Ableton Live. The setup revolves around a mixing interface for mixing tracks together, a keyboard for adding elements, a p5 for manipulating effects and other parameters, and a footswitch that allows him to switch which group of parameters the p5 controls. You can hear his radio show on Tuesday night @ Kunnin Mindz between 10:00pm-12:00am CST. You can also check out his live show in Chicago or catch him on tour.
- Section 9 is a DnB-focused project between Alex Borodin (aka Nano) and Jeremy Stacy. The two compose and perform DnB regularly in Chicago (Jeremy) and Atlanta (Alex). You can find out more at myspace.com/section9
SonicViz link[]
- SonicViz is researching and developing unique realtime audiovisual instruments, using a variety of technologies and interfaces. Recently relocated to Tokyo. Two shots of a recent short performance piece called Kokoro (Heart) jamming with V4 controlled by a P5 Gestural controller/biofeedback and realtime audio synthesis driven by heart rate analysis from a biofeedback controller - live at the Pink Cow, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo.
Utenzil link[]
- Utenzil performs electronic music in the MD/DC/NoVA area using the P5 glove in and other USB devices (joystick, gamepads) in conjunction with Rejoice, as well as MIDI controllers.
Inquisitor Betrayer http://www.inquisitorbetrayer.com/[]
- [Dale Kay] P5 glove used in several sections of tracks for the "Space Elevator" album. http://www.myspace.com/inquisitorbetrayer], [1]
Used as a midi control for several synths, PEK, SE P'08 (DSI), Korg Extreme, Alesis ION, Yamaha dx200, an200 and RedSounds Darkstar. Sometimes on Rolands JP8000 and Korg MS2000. Alesis Fusion work with the P5 glove is more FM control. Many softsynths used such as Reaktor and Arturia MMV. Dale will tell you that a midi program is needed to store settings, cc and nrpn (positive and negative) for the glove.
Rajmil Fischman[]
- P5 used in Ruraq Maki (trans. Quechua: Handmade).
Manual Actions Expressive System (MAES) consisting of a P5 glove controlled by a MAX patch for the creation of musical gestures. The gestures result from tracking and analysing hand motion and finger bend, enabling natural actions from our daily use of the hands (e.g. the physical movement associated with hitting, shaking, dragging, etc.) to generate and ‘manipulate’ sound. MAES software available at [2] (click 'Free Software' tab)
Project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) UK.