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  • Rita as Tillie
  • Lady (from Lady and the Tramp) as Georgia
  • Fagin as Doc
  • Captain Hook (from Peter Pan) as Farnsworth
  • Einstein as Pete
  • Maurice (from Beauty and the Beast) as Jebediah
  • Louie the Sausage Vendor as Tower
  • Dodger as Chip
  • Oliver as Eric
  • Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) as Jill
  • Francis as Rollo the Clown
  • Georgette as Grumpella
  • Mr. Busy (from Lady and the Tramp) as Chippers
  • Cogsworth (from Beauty and the Beast) as Stretch
  • Big Mama (from The Fox and the Hound) as Missy
  • Goofy (from Micky Mouse) as Perky
  • Chip (from Beauty and the Beast) as Handy Pandy
  • Sykes as The Big Wolf
  • Abu (from Aladdin) as The Little Wolf
  • Iago (from Aladdin) as The Eagle
  • Prince John (from Robin Hood) as The Voice in the Cave