- O.J. as Ten Cents
- Bluenose as Big Mac
- Ten Cents as OJ
- Zorran as Top Hat
- Owen (from Theodore Tugboat) as Warrior
- Old Rusty as Hercules
- Billy Shoepack as Sunshine
- Sonic (from Sonic the Hedgehog) as Captain Star
- Top Hat as Zorran
- Green-Eyed Pirate #1 as Zebedee
- Green-Eyed Pirate #2 as Zak
- Burke as Zip
- Blair as Zug
- Dr. Eggman (from Sonic the Hedgehog) as Captain Zero
- Shelburne (from Theodore Tugboat) as Grampus
- Stewiacke (from Theodore Tugboat) as Izzy Gomez
- Sally Seaplane as Lillie Lightship
- Lillie Lightship as Sally Seaplane
- Elias (from Elias the Rescue Boat) as Sea Rogue
- The Fire Tug as Sea Rogue's Uncle
- Arry & Bert (from TTTE) as The Green-Eyed Pirates
- Big Mac as Bluenose
- Sea Rogue's Uncle as The Fire Tug
- Sunshine as Billy Shoepack
- Theodore (from Theodore Tugboat) as Boomer
- Frank as Burke
- Eddie as Blair
- Bulstrode (from TTTE) as Nantucket
- Snorri (from Theodore Tugboat) as Johnny Cuba
- Grampus as The Coast Guard
- Jack the Grappler as The Coast Guard's Messenger
- Hercules as Old Rusty
- Zip as Frank
- Zug as Eddie
- Stanley (SL Puffa) as Lord Stinker
- Fundy (from Theodore Tugboat) as Puffa
- Northumberland (from Theodore Tugboat) as The Goods Engine
- Captain (from TTTE) as Little Ditcher
- George (from Theodore Tugboat) as Scuttlebutt Pete
- Big Mickey as Himself