Northumberland is a character in Theodore Tugboat.
This is number 12
Counterparts (TUGS Version)[]
- Duke (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends/The Railway Series)
- Mushroom King (Super Mario Bros.)
- Grandpa George Onion (Veggietales)
- Clyde (Wacky Races/The Perils of Penelope Pitstop)
- Dr. Otto ScratchNSniff (Animaniacs)
- Grandpa Jacob (Dr. Seuss/The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss)
- Mr. Weed (Family Guy)
Counterparts (Theodore Tugboat Version)[]
- Edward or Oliver (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends/The Railway Series)
- Sea Rogue, Boomer or Grampus (TUGS)
- Hodge or Fletch (Chuggington)
- Mr. Robert Simmons or Eugene Horowitz (Hey Arnold)
- Ned Flanders or Chief Clancy Wiggum (The Simpsons)
- Brian Griffin or Derek Wilcox (Family Guy)
- Terry Kimple or Raymond the Bear (The Cleveland Show)
- Sarge, Ramone or The King (Cars)
- Splendid (Happy Tree Friends)