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Montague, nicknamed "Duck", is an engine on The Fat Controller's railway. He is voiced by Steven Kynman in the UK

Early Years[]

Montague earned the nickname "Duck" because he was said to waddle. Montague denied this, but he preferred "Montague" to "Duck".

The Fat Controller brought him to the railway because the work in the yard at the big station was too much for Percy. Duck worked very well, but the bigger engines thought he was simple and tried to order him about. In retaliation, Duck and Percy blocked the entrance to the sheds until The Fat Controller came and told the bigger engines that on his railway, he gives the orders. Duck managed well after Percy left to build the new harbor. ("Duck Takes Charge")

Duck had to show around a new engine called Diesel, who was loaned to The Fat Controller for a trial. Diesel did not want Duck's help, however, believing diesel engines to be superior to steam engines. Later, Diesel tried to take out some old trucks instead of the ones that Duck needed, and ended up creating a mess. Afterwards the trucks sang rudely at him for some time. Diesel believed that it was Duck's fault, and wanted to have him sent away. Diesel told the trucks jokes about the big engines to the trucks, saying that Duck told them originally. The big engines found out, and barred Duck from the sheds. As a result, The Fat Controller sent Duck to work at Edward's station until things could be sorted out. Edward reassured Duck that he knew Duck was not a bad engine, and that The Fat Controller knew this, too. Edward started a train up Gordon's hill with Duck banking him, but as Duck ran back down the line afterward, some runaway trucks came down the hill behind him, until they caught up with Duck. Duck tried his hardest to hold the trucks back, but a passenger train was in the station up ahead. With all his effort, Duck managed to avoid the train, but then ended up crashing into a barber shop in a siding. The barber was furious, but was satisfied when The Fat Controller told him that a very serious accident had been avoided. The Fat Controller also told Duck that he never believed Diesel and that Duck was welcome back in the yard. ("Pop Goes the Diesel", "Dirty Work", "A Close Shave")

The Little Western[]

For all of Duck's hard work, The Fat Controller decided to award him with his own branch line. Duck was very proud, but after the new station was built, Donald was annoyed with Duck's constant bragging, saying "'Quack, quack' ye go. Sounds like ye'd an egg laid!" As a joke, Duck's crew left a tame duckling inside Donald's water tank, which Donald's crew found the next morning. The duckling traveled with Donald all day, until she was dropped off at a station. In retaliation, Donald's crew left a box with an egg in it under Duck the next morning. An amused Duck confessed that he did not have the skill to get the better of Donald. ("Donald's Duck")

Duck was very delighted when he learned that Douglas had rescued another Great Western engine from scrap. The new engine, Oliver, was put to work on Duck's branch line. The duo earned the line an affectionate nickname: "The Little Western". ("Escape")


Major Appearances[]

Season 2

Season 3

  • "Gordon and the Famous Visitor"
  • "Donald's Duck"
  • "Diesel Does It Again"
  • "Thomas, Percy and the Post Train"
  • "Trust Thomas"
  • "Buzz Buzz"
  • "All at Sea"
  • "Tender Engines"
  • "Escape"
  • "Oliver Owns Up"
  • "Bulgy"

Season 4

Season 5

  • "Cranky Bugs"
  • "Bye George!"
  • "Double Teething Troubles"

Season 6

  • "Twin Trouble"
  • "Scaredy Engines"
  • "Toby Had a Little Lamb"
  • "Edward the Very Useful Engine"

Season 7

  • "The Spotless Record"
  • "Snow Engine"

Season 12

  • "Excellent Emily"
  • "Saved You!"
  • "Gordon Takes A Shortcut"
  • "Best Friends"

Season 17

  • "Henry's Hero"
  • "The Thomas Way"


Season 3

Season 4

  • "Four Little Engines"
  • "Rock 'N' Roll"
  • "Train Stops Play"
  • "Henry and the Elephant"
  • "Mind That Bike"

Season 5

  • "Horrid Lorry"
  • "A Better View for Gordon"
  • "Baa!"
  • "Put Upon Percy"
  • "Thomas and the Rumours"
  • "The Fat Controller's Holiday"
  • "Make Someone Happy"

Season 6

  • "Harvey to the Rescue"
  • "A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter"
  • "Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry"
  • "It's Only Snow"
  • "The World's Strongest Engine"
  • "Percy and the Haunted Mine"
  • "Middle Engine"
  • "James and the Red Balloon"
  • "Jack Frost"
  • "Percy's Chocolate Crunch"

Season 7

  • "Percy Gets It Right"
  • "What's the Matter with Henry?"
  • "James and the Queen of Sodor"
  • "Something Fishy"
  • "Peace and Quiet"
  • "Not So Hasty Puddings"

Thomas & Friends Characters

North Western Railway
Steam Engines - ThomasEdwardHenryGordonJamesPercyTobyDuckDonald and DouglasOliverStepneyHarveyEmilyArthurMurdochMollyNevilleRosieWhiffStanley
Diesel Engines - Class 08DaisyBocoDerekSaltyDennis
Other Engines - Bill and BenMavisClass 40'Arry and BertFergusSpencer
Rolling Stock - Annie and ClarabelThe Flying KipperHenriettaThe Spiteful Brake VanToadOld SlowcoachRockyHector the HorridTroublesome Trucks
Skarloey Railway
Engines - SkarloeyRheneasSir HandelPeter SamRustyDuncanDukeBertrumMighty MacFreddie
Other Narrow Gauge Engines
Arlesdale Railway
Other Vehicles
TerenceBertieTrevorHaroldBulgyGeorgeCarolineBulstrodeCrankyHorrid LorriesButchTiger MothThumperElizabethJackAlfieMax and MontyOliverKellyByronNedIsabellaPatrickBusterNelsonJeremy
Sir Topham Hatt - "The Fat Controller"Lady HattStephen and Bridget HattMrs. KyndlyJem ColeThe VicarThe Refreshment LadyDowager HattMiss Jenny PackardFarmer McCollAlicia BottiThe Brass BandLord CallanThe Duke and Duchess of BoxfordMr. Percival - "The Thin Controller"Mr. Duncan - "The Small Controller"Human characters with fewer than two appearances