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Model Misbehavior is the tenth episode of Family Guy's fourth season and the 60th episode in the series.


During a visit with her parents, Lois recalls her teenage aspirations to be a model. In defiance of her father’s wishes, she begins modelling and becomes very successful. Soon, however, she takes diet pills that her agent Karin Parotta gives her, and stays out all night, and Peter becomes very jealous of the lust she inspires in other men. Desperate to get her out of the fashion world, Peter collaborates with Carter to get her back on track. They kidnap her at a Vogue party and bring her back to the Griffins’, where Carter demands that Lois quit her modeling career. Seeing his wife’s great desire for modeling, Peter soon acquiesces to Lois’ career, insisting to Carter that it is her right. Realizing that she indeed has the full freedom to fulfill her wishes, she quits the career anyway, and Peter and Lois have sex on Carter’s back. Meanwhile, Stewie starts a pyramid scheme business called “Cash$cam”. Brian learns he has worms and unable to afford the medication but too embarrassed to ask Peter for money, reluctantly agrees to work for Stewie. Fed up with the pretense that Cash$cam is a real company, Brian ends up getting fired by Stewie.


Thomas Stories Featured in Mr. Conductor's Adventures of Family Guy[]

  1. Four Little Engines (told by George Carlin)
  2. Something Fishy (told by Michael Brandon)

Theodore Tugboat Story Featured in The Harbor Master's Adventures of Family Guy[]

  • Emily's Easy Job