WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.
- Lilly (Shining Time Station)
- Pearl (TUGS)
- Bonnavista (Theodore Tugboat)
- Elizabeth Hoover (The Simpsons)
- Dixie Kong (Super Mario Bros.)
- Ellie (Donkey Kong Country)
- Marine (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Lana (Animaniacs)
- Hinda or Orbulon's Mom (WarioWare (T,J&H Version))
- Annie DeLoo (The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss)
- Gretchen (Phineas and Ferb)
- Cherubi (Pokemon)
- Bessie (Cars 1)
- Fifi LaFume (Looney Tunes)