Miranda Lostgrove | |
Information | |
Species | Human |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Lead singer and guitarist of her band The Rocking Rattlecages |
Relatives | Loads of family members, including Danny Lostgrove, her younger brother |
Miranda Lostgrove (Born May 14, 2002) is an 18-year-old rockstar girl who is the lead singer and guitarist of her own extreme-metal garage band The Rocking Rattlecages. She's an extreme hard-rocker: mean, bitchy and cruel, always determining to make her younger brother Danny or anyone else she hates' life miserable. She'll do whatever it takes to play music, which is usually by angering her brother, Danny, who will write in his journal. She then translates his venting into lyrics for their songs. When trouble comes crushing in, she's not afraid to use her fists. She's named after and looks like Miranda Cosgrove, who also voices her. Not only that, but Miranda Cosgrove herself sings most of the fictional band's songs and plays her own electric guitar as well.
Tropes About Her[]
- The Ace: She's an extremely skilled musician with a very manipulative, suave and charismatic personality and the ability to craft Zany Schemes that work more often than not. The only thing she isn't good at is coming up with lyrics for her work, but when she has Danny's lyrics on hand, he can come up with words on the fly.
- Affectionate Nickname: Her bandmates and best friends Carrie and Kitty call her "Mirey".
- Beware the Nice Ones: She’s really, REALLY scary when she's angry, as most of the band's songs are about her venting her anger on most of her problems.
- Determinator: She will let nothing stand in the way of making her next big musical hit and making her band the greatest in the world - even if her enemies tend to get the better of her.
- Do It Yourself Theme Tune: Miranda herself sings the TV series' theme song.
- Dude Magnet: She is extremely hot and attractive, so she's DEFINITELY a dude magnet, especially since she looks like her voice actress. It's also due to her being a popular musician.
- Expy: She's Miranda Cosgrove as an 18-year old with her own extreme-metal garage band. She has the same personality and same hobby as Sasha Waybright from Amphibia.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: She can get incredibly pissed off really easily if something makes her angry, so this makes her the choleric one of The Rocking Rattlecages.
- Genki Girl: She's highly energetic, especially when she's rocking out. However, she is still a lot calmer than Kitty is.
- Ink-Suit Actor: She's Miranda Cosgrove as an 18-year old
- The Leader: Of her own band obviously. She's the one who books the band their gigs and creates the schemes they need to succeed at their gigs.
- Metal Scream: Oh DEFINITELY.
- No Indoor Voice: She always shouts whenever she's excited or angry. Not surprising, given that she's an extreme-metal rockstar.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She is the suave and charismatic Blue oni to her hyperactive and energetic bandmate Kitty's Red Oni. A downplayed example as both are extreme-metal rockstar girls.
- She's also the red to her bandmate Carrie's blue. Unusually for this trope, the outdoors loving Carrie is the more blue of the two. Carrie seems a little more soft spoken and reserved in comparison to Miranda, who can blurt out a "Woo-woo!" out of excitement and wears her emotions on her sleeve. A downplayed example as both are extreme-metal rockstar girls.
- Tomboy: Miranda is an extreme-metal rock star.
- Tomboyness Upgrade: When she was younger, she was a shy and quiet Girly Girl who likes playing with dolls and played the violin a lot when she was little. Now she's an energetic rockstar tomboy who likes extreme-metal, heavy-metal and rock music.
- Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She's a rambunctious and energetic electric guitar player, but isn't completely devoid of a girly side; she regularly wears eyeshadow, likes to apply facial cream to herself and gets giddy over the prospect of Carrie having a boyfriend.
- Totally Radical: Often uses slang like "dude".
- Zany Scheme: He always has a "crazy plan that just might work" to solve a problem in any given episode, usually climbing the ladder to fame and fortune.