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Meilin Rae/Meiling Li is Sakura's competitor and later a reformed character voiced by Nicole Oliver in Nelvana and then Roxanne Beck in 4K Media.


  • She is from the same age as Ash's rival Gary Oak, and is under Mel's orders. She and the other mean girls take a dislike for bugs, but can be a maid of honor with Madison during her friend's wedding with Ash Ketchum. She does know KSM music and with her friends calling Ash an Ashy-Boy, she'd be better. She would also make fun of a diapered Ash, thanks to Marina Barton. She and Madison are maids of honor in Sakura's wedding with Ash, with everyone else as wedding people. She, Malinda, Yolanda and Marina would be jealous of Ash dancing with Sakura during the Tomoeda Elementary prom night.


  • She is a girl with black hair and red eyes and usually wears her Tomoeda Elementary uniform during the Mr. Conductor series.
  • During her ice dance with Gary, she wears a red long sleeved ice skating dress, tan pantyhose and white skates.
  • During the play of Sleeping Beauty, she is Maleficent.
  • During her prom with Gary, she wears a red dress, earrings and high heels with her hair down.
  • In Mr. Conductor, Pac-Man and The Ghostly Adventures, her Just Like Old Times outfit is composed of: a brown long sleeved coat with a red shirt, pink skirt, white longstockings and red shoes.
  • In Super Captain Underpants world, she wears Leona Heidern's outfit composed of: a green short sleeved shirt, green shorts and green boots.
  • During her wedding with Gary, she wears a wedding dress much more like her competitor.
  • During her ballet class, she wears a tutu resembling Sakura's.
  • In Sakura's wedding with Ash as a maid of honor, she wears the same gown as Madison, with her hair down.


  1. Mel Szyslak, Malinda Doe, Yolanda Harrison and Marina Barton (Friends)
  2. Gary Oak (Boyfriend)
  3. Sakura Avalon (Rival and later reformed friend)
  4. Li Showron (Childhood Friend)
  5. Miss Layla Mackenzie, Harper McCormick and Morrigan Aensland (Teachers)
  6. Samson Oak (Principal)