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Marcel Vito Mavry is a Fan-Made Character was Created by NanoColors on DeviantArt.


Name: Marcel Vito Mavry (Nickname: Milo) Age: 19-21 (Haven't quite yet decided) Gender: Male Appearance:

• Complexion: Light chesnut skin -- He used to be sickly pale from staying inside all day and reading, but he started hanging out with Themis (© cherrilu) more in the outdoors and grew into his natural skin tone.

• Eyes: Multi-colored eyes -- Blue, green, gold and hazel. Kids used to stare at him when he was younger, and it didn't help that the glasses his parents forced him to wear magnified his eyes.

• Piercing/Scars/Markings: Plans to getting a tattoo that matches with Themis'. Has his ears pierce.

• Hair: Ash brown hair, but has dyed it bluish silver.


• Has grown up to be quite relaxed despite growing with helicopter parents, but is still very vain because of his parents. A lot of the times however, he's just wearing a mask. He doesn't trust many people, aside from Themis and trusts his parents the least. He's quite insecure on the inside despite his outward bravado. Anyways, he takes jokes quite far, say if you ask him "to paint me like your french girls/boys", do expect a painting to appear on your front door step. He's also quite lazy. He's lost a lot of motivation for most things, though it's due to an incident that happened toward the end of his senior year in highschool. He only really has dedication for three things: Painting, Milo Chocolate Milk, and Themis and even with Themis that came much later. He is who I forever will refer to as a lazy cat.

Favorite foods/drinks:

• Milo chocolate milk through and through: He used to only drink it because his parents didn't like him drinking the stuff. After a while, however, he grew to love the stuff anyways and has loved it into his adulthood. Drinks the stuff with a bendy straw too. And it has to be a bendy straw.

Least favorite foods/drinks:

• A lot of things, namely meat. Asparagus and Okra are among that list as well. He's quite picky.

Habits (the good, the bad, and the neutral):

+ Always cleaning up after himself | Goes for walks when he needs to blow off steam

+/– Cuddles up to the nearest object/person when sleeping – Wears his mask 24/7 | Distrusts a lot | Sips his milo milk when nervous | Grows apathetic when he's irritated or hurt | Pushes everyone away when he's hurt


• Painting (Active): Oil | Acrylic | Gouache | Watercolor

• Soccer (in high school) • Basketball (in high school)

Likes, and dislikes:

+ Likes: Fashion | Dreams | Painting | Milo Chocolate Milo | Nice figures | Landscapes | Travelin | (The idea of ) Hiking | Photography | The night sky

– Dislikes: Hiking (itself) | Messes | Overly Critical People | Anything that requires effort | Marcel Duchamp | Picasso | Most thing Abstract


• Being forgotten | Parents

Clothing & Accessories: • Likes his clothing tight (to show off his figure) • Wears mismatched earrings. The ringed one on his left ear says "Dreams are real," which a second part of a quote by Tupac Shakur. He wears a long dangling earring on his other ear. • Likes to wear a bandanna around his neck a lot • Wears a ring. Changes fingers depending on his mood.

