Lizzie "Liz" Orangingy is a Character of the Blue-Heax tint Jay. She is an Tomboyish, Racist & Frenzied Neuressy. in the Television Series, she is Flyn's Niece.
- Gender: Female
- Species: Neuressy
- Faction: Good
- Age: 19
- Skin Color: Orange
- Allies: Jay, Loly, Badir, Lyn (Uncle), Exno, Ved, Mindy (Best Friend), Enfo, Naomi, Todd, Ding Don, Clarky, Goo, John, Neville, etc.
- Enemies: Gort, Dr Droll, .
Counterparts (Heroine Version) (Girl Version)[]
- Mavis (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, both are Tomboyish)
- Sally Seaplane (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Rebecca (Theodore Tugboat)
- Princess Daisy (Super Mario Bros. both are Tomboyish)
- Bunnie Rabbot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Kat (WarrenWare, both are Racists)
- Pearl Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Pepper Clark (Littlest Pet Shop (2012), Both are Tomboyish)
- Naiya Gomez (Doki's Big Wonderland, both are Tomboyish)
- Dr. Leslie (Ding Don, both are Tomboyish)
Counterparts (Boy Version)[]
- James (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Top Hat (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Foduck (Theodore Tugboat)
- Wario (Super Mario Bros.)
- Jimmy P. (WarrenWare)
- Squidward (SpongeBob SquarePants, Both are Frenzied)
- Mary Francis (Littlest Pet Shop (2012))
- Rito Howards (Doki's Big Wonderland)
- Sunffrey Bond (Ding Don)