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Lindi new design by crabula290e-d3hvxwb

Lindi Djinni is a Fan-Made Character that created by Crabula290e on DeviantArt.


Character Bio: Lindi by crabula290e

Name: Lindi

Age: 14 (in human years)

Height: 3'8

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Chocolate brown

Race: Toon

Speices: Genie (or djinn)

Gender: Female

Birth Date: April 5

Birth Palace: Toon desert

Parents names: unknown.

Current residents: San Clementa, California

Married: No, but is looking for someone. Has eye on cute little male genie

How they met: She fought with him over a flying lamp.

Do they fight: Occasionally (mostly over ridiculous things.)

Relationship with person: 40% On 60% Off

Weaknesses: Can be very stubborn and bullheaded

Phobia/Fears: spiders, volcanoes and small spaces.

Friends: Her master Miranda.

Hates: small spaces (she was in a lamp for a while.)

Hobbies: Granting wishes. (though she's not very good at it.)

Favorites: Cat.

Favorite food: snow cones.

Favorite color: Lavander.

Favorite dessert: Chocolate moose.

Favorite type of music: Rock and roll.

Favorite style theme: Desert themed.

