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China burlona

Lincoln Loud is the main protagonist of The Loud House and the best friend for life and 1 true love of Clyde McBride and Ronnie Anne Santiago. He is brave and clumsy brother of the Loud family and has the man with a plan. He also has white hair and black eyes. His main outfit is composed of: an orange short sleeved shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. He is voiced by Sean Ryan Fox in the pilot, Grant Palmer, now Colin Dean. At his age, he is 11 years old.


  • Rita Loud (Mother)
  • Lynn Loud, Sr. (Father)
  • Lori Loud (17-year-old Sister)
  • Leni Loud (16-year-old Sister)
  • Luna Loud (15-year-old Sister)
  • Luan Loud (14-year-old Sister)
  • Lynn Loud, Jr. (13-year-old Sister)
  • Lucy Loud (8-year-old Sister)
  • Lana Loud (6-year-old Sister)
  • Lola Loud (6-year-old Sister)
  • Lisa Loud (4-year-old Sister)
  • Lily Loud (1-year-old Sister)
  • Clyde McBride (Best Friend)
  • Ronnie Anne Santiago (Best Friend for Life and 1 True Love)


  1. Solving the predicaments
  2. Video games
  3. Farting
  4. Being nice to Ronnie Anne
  5. Becoming friends with Clyde
  6. Comics


  1. The way Lori treats him
  2. Getting into trouble (especially for wolf whistling at Ronnie Anne)
  3. Luan's jokes


Warning WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.


  • His Peanuts counterpart is Charlie Brown, both are underdogs.
  • His Popples counterpart is Puzzle Popple, both have orange in their character designs, are smart and playful, and are good allies with Clyde and Putter.
  • His PB&J Otter counterpart is Peanut Otter, both are the only sons in their main families, are smart, and are friends with Clyde and Munchy.
  • His Adventures of the Little Koala counterpart is Roobear Koala, both are protagonists, are smart, inquisitive, and best friends to Clyde and Floppy.
  • His Shirt Tales counterpart is Rick Raccoon, both are smart, have good plans, and experts in solving mysteries and problems.
  • His Sheep in the Big City counterpart is the titular character, both have white hair, are tormented a lot, and are boyfriends to Ronnie Anne and Swanky the Poodle.
  • His Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? counterpart is the titular character, both are shrouded in chaos, are intelligent, are usually sane, are best friends to Clyde and Socks, and are boyfriends to Ronnie Anne and Shannon Westerburg.
  • His Hamtaro counterpart is the titular character, both are the main stars and have orange in their character designs.
  • His Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends counterpart is Mac Foster, both are wise children.
  • His The Simpsons counterpart is Bart Simpson, both are the only sons in the main family and are best friends to Clyde and Milhouse.
  • His Gravity Falls counterpart is Dipper Pines, both are smart, sane, and serious.
  • His Care Bears counterpart is Tenderheart Bear, both are mascots of their respective series.
  • His The Moxy Show counterpart is Flea, both are straight men.
  • His Kappa Mikey counterpart is the titular character, both are the main protagonists.
  • His Oliver and Company counterpart is Oliver, both are the main protagonists who want to be noticed and have orange in their color.
  • His Gamba no Bōken counterpart is the titular character, both are the main protagonists who are energetic and inquisitive, and are best friends to Clyde and Bōbo.
  • His Chicken Little (2005) counterpart is the titular character, both are white-headed protagonists who are underdogs and boyfriends to Ronnie Anne and Abby.
  • His Mr Men counterpart is Mr Bump, both get unlucky all the time.
  • His Cocotama counterpart is Luckytama, both are the main protagonists and have orange in their character designs.
  • His The Get Along Gang counterpart is Montgomery Moose, both are smart protagonists and best friends with Clyde and Braker.
  • His Midnight Horror School counterpart is Hikky, both are the main protagonists who are nice, love visual arts and are boyfriends to Ronnie Anne and Liddy and close friends with Clyde McBride and Piranin.
  • His Lilo and Stitch counterpart is Felix (010), both want to keep things done their own way.
  • His Doki Adventures counterpart is Doki, both are the main characters, have white hair, and like to solve problems.
  • His Two by Two counterpart is Finny, both are young kids, have orange in their colors, and have Dave and Lynn Sr. as their fathers.
  • His The Fox and the Hound conterpart is Tod, both are main characters and are best friends with Clyde and Copper.
  • His The Secret Life of Pets counterpart is Max, both are the man characters, have white hair in their designs, and are friends with Duke and Clyde.
  • His Harvey Street Kids counterpart is Bobby the Elder, both have white hair and like to act like the ones in charge.
  • His Garfield counterpart is titular character, both are the main character and orange.
  • His Horrid Henry counterpart is Perfect Peter, both are very intelligent.
  • His Thomas and Friends is Henry the Green Engine, both are underdogs
  • His Mickey Mouse is titular character, both are the main character
  • His Mitchells vs. The Machines counterpart is Aaron Mitchell, both are sons in their main families, have sisters (although Lincoln has ten sisters while Aaron only has one sister (Katie)), have Lynn Sr. and Rick as their fathers, Rita and Linda as their mothers, Charles and Monchi as their pet dogs, and have a major obsession on a certain thing. (Lincoln being obsessed with comics and Aaron being obsessed with dinosaurs)
    • Ironcially, Aaron's and Lincoln's families have something to do with majority of their members having a amount of number letters in their names (the Louds being a family with four letter names and the Mitchells being a family with five letter names) and how they live in Michigan.


  • His Super Bust-a-Move counterpart is Mog, both are the main characters.
  • His The Buddies conterpart is Rosebud, both are main characters and the only one of their gender in their family.
  • His Tiny Toon Adventures counterpart is Fifi la Fume, both are friendly
  • His Mickey Mouse counterpart is Dinah, both are the only one of their gender in their family.

See Also[]
