Leon Powlaki is a stubborn lizard in Star Fox games.
- Species: Chameleon
- Skin Color: Green
- Clothing:
- Allies: Andross (formerly), Wolf O'Donnell, Pigma Dengar (formerly), Panther Caroso, Andrew Oikonny
- Enemies: Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Slippy Toad, Peppy Hare, Andross, Pigma Dengar
- "Andross has ordered us to take you down."
- "I think I'll torture you for a while!"
- "Let's see how you handle our new ships!"
- "Annoying bird! I am the great Leon!"
- "You're not as tough as I thought."
- "Shoot me down if you can!"
- "This can't be happening!"
- "I'll take care of you!"
- "Not yet! The party's just begun!"
- "Close, but no cigar! Ha, ha, ha!"
- "Ha ha! I think I'll torment you a bit before I cook you!"
- "Who do you think I am?!?"
- "Me? ME?!"
Counterparts (Mario Version)=[]
Counterparts (Star Fox Version)[]
- Bert or Duncan (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- The Chameleon (T.U.F.F. Puppy)
- The Brain (Animaniacs)
Leon Powalski in Star Fox 64 3D