Infinite is a villain introduced in Sonic Forces.
Counterparts (Do NOT delete, but you can add)[]
- Alfred the Loaned B12, Diesel 10, Diesel 11, Diesel 12, D261, Steam Engine, or Samuel (Thomas the Tank Engine)
- Johnny Cuba, Bluenose, Smelter, Dark Tug, Smelter Z, or Smelter X (TUGS)
- Yami or Tug 10 (Theodore Tugboat)
- Robo-PigMKIII, Robo-Pig, or Robo-Pig MK II (Garfield and Friends/U.S. Acres)
- The Icon of Sin (DOOM)
- Antasma, Dark Bowser, Smithy, Dimentio, Dark Star, Black Jewel, Lucien, Megabug, or Virtual Virus (Super Mario Bros., Virtual Virus is fan-made)
- Magolor Soul, Marx Soul, Void Termina, Zero, Zero Two, Dark Mind, Morpho Knight, Nightmare, Parallel Nightmare, or Star Dream (Kirby)
- Destoroyah, Gigan, RED, Monster X, or Desghidorah (Godzilla)
- Ultraman Belial, Dark Lugiel, Ultra Dark-Killer, Ultraman Tregear, Radical Destruction Bringer, Demon King Jackal, Commander Black, or Alien Empra (Ultraman)
- Frank, Sterling, Jackson Storm, Miles Axlerod, Professor Z, Ingrid Sullivan, or Kabuto (Cars)
- Dennis, Cyclops, Burger-Beard the Pirate, or Monster House (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Snake Jailbird, Russ Cargill, Hank Scorpio, or Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons)
- Barney (The Jihad to Destroy Barney/Day of the Barney)
- Mongol Empireball, Soviet Unionball, British Empireball, Anonymousball, Omskbird, Reichtangle, or Nazi Germanyball (Countryballs)
- Satan, Cthulhu, Death, or ManBearPig (South Park)
- Ghetsis, Darkrai, Giratina, or Missingno (Pokemon)
- Morgoth or Sauron (Lord of the Rings)
- Lotso Bear or Evil Emperor Zurg (Toy Story)
- Nightmare, Nightmare Fredbear, Nightmarionne, Twisted Wolf, Dreadbear, or Grim Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Gorefield (r/imsorryjon/Gorefield)
- Michael Pulaski, Death, or Jeffery Fecalman (Family Guy)
- Death, King Salazar, or Satan (Animaniacs)
- Boss Tick, Duck Vader, or Dr. Gene Splicer (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- Clevetron (The Cleveland Show)
- Stelio Kontos (American Dad)
- Anti-Pops, Internet, Klorgbane the Destroyer, Mr. Ross, Duck Collector, Destroyer of Worlds, or Warlock (Regular Show)
- Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension), Professor Parenthesis, Mitch, The Regurgitator, or Professor Bannister (Phineas and Ferb)
- The Lich, GOLB, Vampire King, or Hunson Abadeer (Adventure Time)
- Dark Laser or The Lead Eliminator (The Fairly OddParents)
- Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Tabuu, Galeem, Dharkon, or Master Core (Super Smash Bros.)
- Ronald McDonald (RackaRacka)
- IMustDestroyAll or Truluck Employee (Angry Grandpa)
- Mr. Pickles (Mr. Pickles)
- Mr. Goodman or Does Bad Things Guy (SuperMarioLogan)
- Omnidroid v.10 or Screenslaver (The Incredibles)
- Stinky the Cadejo, Larry Ladron, or Javier (Victor and Valentino)
- Nahatomb or Janga (Klonoa)
- Massacre or Cthulhu (Monster Island Buddies)
- Lord Dregg, Shredder (Ch'rell/Utrom or Tengu), or Rat King (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Professor Pericles (Scooby-Doo)
- The Nightmare, Boris the Teeth Guy, or Mr. Keebler (Go!Animate)
- Mola Ram (Indiana Jones)
- Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
- Aku or The Dominator (Samurai Jack)
- Wither, Herobrine, Entity 303, or Null (Minecraft)
- Lord Brevon (Freedom Planet)
- Zeppelin of Mighty Gargantuaness, Dark Dirigible Titan, Dreadbloon, or Vortex (Bloons)
- Lord Magalar, Umbra, Vasile, Godieth, or Lord Blackburn (Kingdom Rush)
- Apocalymon, Millenniummon, Machinedramon, Daemon, DarkKnightmon, or SkullGreymon (Digimon)
- Rockwell, King Titan, or The Overseer (ARK: Survival Evolved)
- Darth Plagueis (Star Wars)
- Cycloid Emperor or Doom Overlord (Duke Nukem)
- Jinpachi Mishima, Ancient Ogre, Azazel, True Ogre, Devil, or Devil Ogre (Tekken)
- Matau Hordika or Makuta Teridax (Bionicle)
- Seth or Oni (Street Fighter)
- Black Hiver (MoBrosStudios)
- Ivan Ooze, Master Xandred, Lokar, Master Org, Emperor Marvo, or Cyclopsis (Power Rangers)
- Toffee (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
- Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Robosnail or Scar Snout (Rugrats)
- Storm King, Lord Tirek, or King Sombra (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- SCP-682, Scarlet King, or SCP-106 (SCP Foundation)
- Shrek, Chef Piggy, Shurara, The Lamb Devil, Tails Doll, or Bill Cipher (Luigifan00001)
- Francis, Waluigi, Ztar, or King Ernie (SMG4)
- The Fallen, Unicron, Tornedron, Silas, or Harold Attinger (Transformers)
- Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Onaga, or Quan Chi (Mortal Kombat)
- Ultron Sigma (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Dark Kahn (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe)
- Thanos, Galactus, Red Skull, Dormammu, Ultron, or Carnage (Marvel)
- Dan Backslide (Looney Tunes)
- Darkseid, Anti-Monitor, Trigon, Gorilla Grodd, Brainiac, or Doomsday (DC)
- Orochi or Goenitz (The King of Fighters)
- Zalgo, X, Fear, Red, or Laughing Jack (Pastamonsters)