Fundy the Fishing Boat is a character from Theodore Tugboat.
This is number 8
Counterparts (TUGS Version)[]
- Fearless Freddie (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Old Gil (The Simpsons)
- Randy Newman (Family Guy)
- Professor E. Gadd (Super Mario Bros.)
- Professor Von Schlemmer (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Counterparts (Theodore Tugboat Version)[]
- Salty, Duck or Oliver (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends/The Railway Series)
- Skipper Stu, Zack or Fletch (Chuggington)
- Sea Captain, Martin Prince or Chief Clancy Wiggum (The Simpsons)
- Seamus, Dr. Hartman or Derek Wilcox (Family Guy)
- Uncle Earl, Sid or Eugene Horowitz (Hey Arnold)