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Fox in Socks and Mr. Knox
Where will my feet take me today? and Bananas in Pyjamas character
First appearance Where will my feet take me today?
Episode 131
Bananas in Pyjamas
Bananas’ Birthday Monday
(May 5, 2003)
Created by Dr. Seuss
Voiced by Fox In Socks
Tim Lagasse (1995–2001)
Bruce Lanoil
Mr. Knox
John Kennedy
Neighbors and Friends See Also
Species Dog and Fox
Gender Males
  • December 21st (Fox In Socks)
  • March 21st (Mr. Knox)

Fox in Socks and Mr. Knox are characters from Dr. Seuss and The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss. From 1995 to 2001, he was voiced by Tim Lagasse. Since New Year’s Day, 2002 of The Wubbulous World, Mr. Fox is voiced by Bruce Lanoil. Mr. Knox is voiced by John Kennedy.

Fox in Socks[]

Fox in Socks (also known as Mr. Socks) ​is a character from the book and film Fox in Socks and the television series The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss (2002–present). He speaks in unending rhyme and travels with Mr. Knox to find something tricky Mr. Knox can say.

Mr. Knox and Fox have their own comedy routine. Like his book counterpart, Mr. Fox wears blue socks on his feet and hands, but on the show, he also wears a matching scarf and bowler hat. He has also been known to encourage Mr. Knox to try something new like "Monkey Business."

Mr. Knox[]

Mr. Knox Knox in Box is a character from the from the book and film Fox in Socks. He also appeared in The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss (2002–present). He is an anthropomorphic Knox wearing a yellow jumper.

The Fox in Socks and Mr. Knox have their own comedy routine. His attire is the same as his book counterpart, but on the show, he also wears a tall red hat.

