Flush Numbat is the Main Protagonist from Flush Numbat. he is an Adult brave Orange Furred Numbat.
- Gender: Male
- Species: Antropomorphic Numbat
- Alignment: Good
- Age: 35 (Flush Numbat Saga), 47 (Furze Bandicoot Saga)
- Personal Color: Carrot Orange
- Hair Color: Dark Brown
- Clothing: Green Jacket, Light Cyan Shirt, Gray Hat, Brown Shorts, Cherokee Flanery Shoes
- Allies: Polly, Mildred (Sidekicks), Margaret (Wife), Wisan, Levermec, Tovan (Pet), Furze Bandicoot (Son), Cheezz Bandicoot (Daughter), Egg-Captain.
- Enemies; Mister Master (Arch-Enemy), Spandider, Ripperpoon, Dr. Brancenton, Dr. Joe Flubbers, N. G. N.,Viny Shark, Echidna Monster, Wombot, Zavok, Oldman Ragu, Egg-Captain (formerly)
Counterparts (Flush Numbat Version)[]
- Thomas (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Ten Cents (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Theodore (Theodore Tugboat)
- Mario (Super Mario Bros.)
- Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Ding Don (Ding Don)
- Jay (Blue-Heax tint Jay)
- Cortex (Cortex Twinsanity)
- Furze (Furze Bandicoot)
- Wario (WarioWare)
- Doki Gonzalez (Doki's Big Wonderland)
- Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
- Pikachu (Pokemon)
Counterparts (Furze Bandicoot Version)[]
- Toby (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, Both are Old)
- O.J./Otis (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Digby (Theodore Tugboat)
- Professor Pickles (Cortex Twinsanity)