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Fake Furze (Formerly known as "Trash Bandicoot") is an Semi-Protagonist from Furze Bandicoot.


  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Eastern Barred Bandicoot
  • Alignment: Good/Neutral/Evil
  • Age: 11
  • Personal Color: Deep Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Blue
  • Clothing: Green Pants, Red Shoes
  • Allies: Furze Bandicoot (sometimes), Cheese Bandicoot, Tawna Bandicoot, Aku-Aku, Dougnut Bandicoot, Pura, Trio Cortex, Sonic & Friends, T,J&H's WarioWare Characters (Except in Furze Bandicoot 5), Spyro, Ashley Pussycat, Doctor. Newton Deathcore (sometimes).
  • Enemies: Doctor, Newton Deathcore, Doctor. Nitrogen Brino, Papu Papu, Ripper Roo, Koala Kong, Pinstripe Potoroo (formerly), Octokitty, Komodo Brothers, Uka-Uka, Nelly Deathcore, Trio Cortex (formerly), Nitros Oxide, Emperor Jadwu (Until the Ending of FNK), Sonic & Friends (formerly),Tiny Tiger, Dingodile, Dr. Nefarious Clockie, Dr. Nooby Gin, Dougnut Bandicoot (Only in Furze Bandicoot & Dougnut), Furze Bandicoot (formerly), The Evil Twins, Coco, Nega Furze.


  • Smudger (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
  • Zak (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
  • Oliver (Theodore Tugboat)
  • Evil Cortex (Cortex Twinsanity)