Dr. Warpnik is Dr. Robotnik's cousin in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. Robotnik banished him to the Warp of Confusion because he was a looney.
- Diesel 10 (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Smelter or Johnny Cuba (TUGS)
- Cabot (Theodore Tugboat)
- Sledgebolt (Shining Time Station)
- Smithy (Super Mario Bros.)
- Lord Fredrik (Donkey Kong Country)
- Robo-Pig (Garfield and Friends)
- Vlad Vladikoff (Dr. Seuss)
- Mr. Nerdon (Horrid Henry)
- Mr. Ross (Regular Show)
- The Hooded Claw (The Perils of Penelope Pitstop)
- The Fib (VeggieTales, both kidnaps Tails and Junior)
- Andross (Star Fox)
- Professor Z (Cars 2)
- Mewtwo (Pokemon)
- Nightmare (Kirby)
- Him (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Snake Jailbird (The Simpsons)
- Ernie the Giant Chicken (Family Guy)
- Satan (South Park)
- The Extremasaurus (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
- King Candy as a CyBug (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension) (Phineas and Ferb)
- Krang (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Huxley (Sesame Street)
- Dr. Blowhole (Madagascar)
- Emperor Devligus Devotindos (Rocket Knight Adventures)