Dr. Verne Crygor is one of the Main Characters of 1997 Tajaha/Australia Saga WarrenWare. he is an 109-years Old Cyborg Mad Scientist, and also is Penny's Grandfather.
- Gender: Male
- Species: Cyborg
- Alignment: Good
- Age: 109
- Occupation: Gamer
- Personal Color: Yellow (with Greyins Blue, or Rose Red variations)
- First Introduced: WarioWare 1 (1997).
- WW: Portfolio Cartoon Debut: .
- Friends: Warren, Mona, Orbulon, Penny (Granddaughter), Ashley, Tony, Dribble, Spitz, Kat, Ana, Young Cricket, Jimmy. T, Jimmy. P, 9-Volt ,18-Volt, Mike (Creation/Robotic son Sidekick), Waluigi, Mini-Wario, 5-Volt, .
- Friends (Only seen in WarioWare: Portfolio Cartoon): Picuyi, Timm, Socki, Natalie, Lincoln Londoh, Federico.
- Rivals:
- Enemies: Dr. Keith Ventor, Black Jewel, Captain Syrup, Splunks, The Dinosaurs, Muncher the King, .
- Enemies (Only seen in WarioWare: Portfolio Cartoon): Deadrabbit, Virusis, Henlarsey, Clarky, Federico (formerly).
Counterparts (WarrenWare Version) (Male Version) (Hero Version)[]
- Gordon (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends/The Railway Series, both are Big)
- Big Mac (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse, both are Big)
- George (Theodore Tugboat)
- Billy Twofeathers (Shining Time Station)
- Donkey Kong (Super Mario Bros., both are Big)
- Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog,)
- Mr. Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Dougnut Bandicoot (Furze Bandicoot, both are Big)
- Gish (Super Poke Meat)
- Fowlmouth (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- King Lionel (Doki's Big Wonderland, both are Orange)
- Bossman (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Hector (Looney Tunes, both are Bulldogs)
- Etno (JamesWaves)
- Flavio (Animaniacs)
- Garfield (Garfied and Friends, both are Orange)
- Commander Flipper (Puck Plugers)
- Big Thylacine Joe (Claude & Cia's World, both are Big)
- Principal Seymore Skinners (The Simpsons)
- Knuckle Joe (Kirby)
- Buizel (Pokemon)
- Dr. Eggman (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Harrison (Chuggington)
Counterparts (WarrenWare: Portfolio Cartoon Version) (Male Version) (Hero Version)[]
- Edward (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends/The Railway Series)
- Hercules (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse, both are Big)
- Truro or Foduck (Theodore Tugboat)
- Mr. Nicholas (Shining Time Station)
- Megaman X, Takua or Luigi (Super Mario Bros., both are Big)
- Uncle Chuck (Sonic the Hedgehog,)
- Harold Squarepants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Spyro the Dragon or Aku-Aku (Furze Bandicoot, both are Big)
- Fishboy (Super Poke Meat)
- Vinnie the Deer (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- Storm Hunter Luke (Doki's Big Wonderland, both are Orange)
- Skinny Slim (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Pepé le Pew (Looney Tunes)
- Segundino the Mechanical (JamesWaves)
- Dr. Otto Scratchansniff (Animaniacs)
- Edward R. Furrow (Garfied and Friends, both are Orange)
- Lord Roboto (Puck Plugers)
- Sharpy Fox Bond (Claude & Cia's World, both are Big)
- Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
- Meta Knight (Kirby)
- Krokorok (Pokemon)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Hodge or Dunbar (Chuggington)