Dr. Albert Bliggbozz Stickpole is an Character, He is the Second Main Antagonist of Corestrial & Final Boss of Less Games.
- Gender: Male
- Species: Antropormophic Stickpole
- Aligment: Evil
- Color: Black & Vermillion
- Friends: Shade
- Enemies: Lucke, Tarwin
Counterparts (Corestrial Version)[]
- Diesel 10 (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Smelter (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Cabot (Theodore Tugboat)
- Nightmare (Chuggington)
- Droll (Blue-Heax tint Jay)
- Rasputin (Metraldo & Asiastine)
- Him (The Powerpuff Girls)