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Derek the Paxman Diesel

Derek in Double Teething Troubles

Number D34
Class Paxman Diesel
Livery Paxman Diesel
Line Paxman Diesel
Built 1951
Builder Paxman Diesel
Designers Sir Topham Hatt I and William Stainer
Date to Birth February 24, 1951
Date to Death October 10, 2008 (aged 57)
First Appearance Double Teething Troubles
Voice Actors Rob Rackstraw (UK/US)

Derek (otherwise just known as Paxman) is a diesel who was brought to help Bill, Ben, and Boco at the china clay quarry when the work load was getting too high. Derek had "teething troubles", however, and was prone to overheating and exhaustion. He tried to bank Bill and Ben up a steep slope, but he ran hot again, and he had to be carried up the hill with their train. The Fat Controller sent Derek to the works to make him better. Bill and Ben decided that he was actually very nice, despite his teething troubles. ("Double Teething Troubles")


  • Derek is actually his merchandising name. His name was never mentioned in the episode he was featured in.
  • Derek appears to have stayed on the railway, albeit largely out of view. He has been spotted pulling a train up Gordon's Hill. (Calling All Engines!)
  • Derek had not been seen since Calling All Engines. But according to Sodor Island Forums, Derek might return to the series.
  • Derek is voiced by Bob Golding in the UK. He is also voiced by Dan Castellaneta in the US.


Major Appearances[]

  • "Double Teething Troubles"


Behind the Scenes[]

According to David Maidment, Season 5's railway consultant, Derek's exploits are based on failed attempts to have D95xx Paxman diesels bank CI 37s and their trains to Ebbw Vale. The bankers would run hot halfway up, leaving the engine to carry its load and the banker up the slope. [1]


  • Derek's theme is his theme from the Season 5 episode, Double Teething Troubles.

Counterparts (Thomas Version)[]

Counterparts (Diesel of Sodor Version)[]

More Coming Soon


Thomas & Friends Characters

North Western Railway
Steam Engines - ThomasEdwardHenryGordonJamesPercyTobyDuckDonald and DouglasOliverStepneyHarveyEmilyArthurMurdochMollyNevilleRosieWhiffStanley
Diesel Engines - Class 08DaisyBocoDerekSaltyDennis
Other Engines - Bill and BenMavisClass 40'Arry and BertFergusSpencer
Rolling Stock - Annie and ClarabelThe Flying KipperHenriettaThe Spiteful Brake VanToadOld SlowcoachRockyHector the HorridTroublesome Trucks
Skarloey Railway
Engines - SkarloeyRheneasSir HandelPeter SamRustyDuncanDukeBertrumMighty MacFreddie
Other Narrow Gauge Engines
Arlesdale Railway
Other Vehicles
TerenceBertieTrevorHaroldBulgyGeorgeCarolineBulstrodeCrankyHorrid LorriesButchTiger MothThumperElizabethJackAlfieMax and MontyOliverKellyByronNedIsabellaPatrickBusterNelsonJeremy
Sir Topham Hatt - "The Fat Controller"Lady HattStephen and Bridget HattMrs. KyndlyJem ColeThe VicarThe Refreshment LadyDowager HattMiss Jenny PackardFarmer McCollAlicia BottiThe Brass BandLord CallanThe Duke and Duchess of BoxfordMr. Percival - "The Thin Controller"Mr. Duncan - "The Small Controller"Human characters with fewer than two appearances