Cyclopsis is an secondary antagonist in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He appeared in the Doomsday 2-part episodes.
- Diesel 11, D261, Diesel 10 or Steam Engine (Thomas the Tank Engine, fan made)
- Nantucket,Smelter or Smelter X (TUGS, fan made)
- Cabot (Theodore Tugboat)
- Motaro orShinnok (Mortal Kombat)
- Shin Akuma (Street Fighter)
- Orochi (The King of Fighters)
- Ancient Ogre or True Ogre (Tekken)
- Black Arms, SaTam Robotink, Mephiles the Dark (Sonic)
- Battlelord, Doom Overlord or Cycloid Emperor (Duke Nukem)
- RoboPig MK II (Garfield and Friends)
- Icon of Sin (DOOM)
- Lumine's 2nd Form (Mega Man X)
2nd Form
Cyclopsis with Sword
Beware Cyclopsis
Cyclopsis full body
Cyclopsis Face