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Cuddles Main Pose Zrecolor

Cuddles' original appearance

Cuddles is one of the main characters of the popular adult animated series Happy Tree Friends. He is voiced by series co-creator Kenn Navarro. He debuted on web series when Happy Tree Friends first aired on the Internet on June 25, 1998. He debuted on television series when Happy Tree Friends first aired on television on May 6, 2005. He is a yellow rabbit who has big ears, pink cheeks, and a tiny fluff of fur on his head that looks like his tail, along with a pair of pink bunny slippers. He is sometimes shown to be rebellious and often does things that are extremely dangerous, while he is cute and cuddly at other times. He is considered to be the series' unofficial mascot and has the highest death count in the series. His deaths usually involve his body being sliced apart, vehicles, and his intestines. He has a girlfriend called Giggles.

Counterparts (male version)[]

Counterparts (female version)[]
