Crimson is a Goth Girl from Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race, with Ennui.
Counterparts (Female Version)[]
- Sally Finklestein-Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas) (Crimson and Sally Finklestein-Skellington are both Redheaded Goth Girls)
- Raven (Teen Titans)
- Gwen, Dawn or Ella (Total Drama)
- Mavis (Hotel Transylvania)
- Ruby Gloom (Ruby Gloom)
- Lydia (Beetlejuice)
- Henrietta (South Park)
- Maud Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
- Thorn The Hex Girl (Scooby Doo)
- Sedusa (The Powerpuff Girls) (Crimson and Sedusa are Beautiful, Attractive Ladies)
- An (Sailor Moon)
- Dakota (Total Drama)
Counterparts (Male Version)[]
- L (Death Note)
- Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Little Gruesome (Wacky Races)
- Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)
- Doctor N Gin (Crash Bandicoot)