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Count Duckula

Count Duckula is a villain and character from Danger Mouse and the title character in spin off series Count Duckula.


Danger Mouse[]

Count Duckula first appeared in a Danger Mouse episode called "The Four Tasks of Danger Mouse" where he was an evil antromorphised vampire duck who looked like he had no fangs, but they could sometimes be seen. He wore a medallion with the letter "D" on it and spoke with a lisp like voice. He was a villain who wanted to be famous, but Danger Mouse was not too impressed and the two had a huge clash. Most of his evil schemes were set to make sure he was in the spotlight. He even teamed up with DM's arch enemy Baron Silas Greenback on one occasion, however thanks to Danger Mouse it always failed. He appeared in four episodes through out the run of the series

Count Duckula[]

In this series it was revealed that Duckula came from a long dynasty of vampire ducks and had been killed several times and brought back to life again. So the previous Count Duckula from Danger Mouse may have been killed before the spin off. In the intro Igor (his butler) and Nanny (his housekeeper) were attempting to bring him back by pouring blood into his awakening casket. But Nanny gave Igor a bottle of Tomato Ketchup by mistake making this new Count Duckula a vegetable loving, blood hating and show business crazy vampire duck who definately had no fangs. He uses his spooky ancestrial home called Castle Duckula to teleport to many different places around the world to seek fame and fortune, but it didn't always go according to plan.


In Danger Mouse, Duckula was a villain who was proud to be a vampire duck, had a lisp in his voice and occassionally stuttered. He could transform most surprisingly into a baseball bat with wings and he uses his appearing and disappearing in a flash of smoke ability that can even change his clothes. His main goal was to be famous and have his own show where he could show his horribly bad performances such as acting and singing. He often used force and blackmail. In Count Duckula, his lisp was gone, but he had the same goal to be famous and get rich, unlike his predessesor however he tries to get it the more honest way. He hated being a vampire and never wanted to become one even though he is constantly lectured by Igor about his ancestor's legacy (He even travelled through time to change his legacy in one episode) and hates his castle being so gloomy, dark and spooky. This leads to him wanting to explore the world. He's cowardly and often screams with rage when things don't go according to plan. He is constantly annoyed with Nanny either when she goes through a wall, breaks the castle door or misunderstands everything he says. Duckula has a good heart and always tries to help people but it mostly ends with them hating him. He can survive in sunlight even though his previous persona couldn't, however in one episode a stone version of himself crumbled to pieces when exposed to the light. He also likes making jokes, but despairs when the people he tells them to doesn't understand them. He has the abilities of any vampire duck such as no reflection in a mirror and can disappear into a thick raincloud. He can also be killed by a wooden stake or by garlic (although it is only mentioned three times in the series). He has a fondness for broccoli sandwiches and other vegetables. Even though he was different than his predessesor from Danger Mouse many viewers got to know and love this vegetarian vampire duck.

Counterparts (Villain Version)[]

Warning WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.

Counterparts (Hero Version)[]

Warning WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.

ve In-Between Management (Neutral Zone)

Neutral-chan (leader) • Nothing Balloon (Neutral-chan's partner)

State Man Neutrals

IowaKansasKentuckyMarylandMichiganMississippiMissouriNebraskaNew JerseyNorth DakotaOhioPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth DakotaVermontWest Virginia

Cookie Run
OvenBreak 2

Cookies (Cloud CookieButtercream Choco Cookie) • Pets (Cotton CloudDust Unicorn)

Playable Cookies (LINE/Kakao)

B-grade (Cream Cookie) • A-grade (Muscle Cookie) • S-grade (Angel CookieDevil Cookie)

Pets (LINE/Kakao)

B-grade (Dumbbell TwinsCozy Yarn) • A-grade (Celestial Star) • S-grade (Flame Bat)

Playable Cookies (Cookie Run: OvenBreak)

Epic (Matcha CookieIce Candy CookiePomegranate CookieCarrot CookieBeet CookieLeek CookieIce Juggler CookieDr. Bones CookieSnake Fruit CookieLangue de Chat CookieCappuccino Cookie)

Pets (Cookie Run: OvenBreak)

Epic (Green Tea BagPower Candy TinRuby PomegranateCarrot Cake RabbitBeetsterElder BambooSpectacular Sundae CupPit-A-Pat MonitorIvory Scale FanCase FileCreamy Cappuccino)

Playable Characters (CookieWars)

Mythic (Energy Drink Cookie)

Pets (CookieWars)

Mythic (Crocoplier)

Playable Cookies (Cookie Run: Kingdom)

Epic (Black Raisin CookiePinecone CookieRoyal Margarine Cookie)


LINE/Kakao (Police Cookie) • Cookie Run: OvenBreak (Flamenco Partner CookiesChoco Cup Cookie)

My Singing Monsters
Nautral Monsters

Single Element (TweedleNoggin)

Fire Monsters

Triple Element (Thrumble) • Quad Element (Sneyser)

Magical Monsters

Triple Element (Uuduk)

Seasonal Monsters

Aux. Seasonals & Jam Boree (Spurrit)

Supernatural Monsters

Wubblins (ThwokCreepusculeBlipsqueak)



Generation I


Generation II


Generation III


Generation IV


Generation V


Generation VI


Generation IX


Inanimate Insanity
Season 1

Contestants (NickelPepper) • Recommended characters (8-BallBellDictionaryMagnifying GlassSpikey MervertTeddy Bear) • Meeple (MePhone5) • Minor characters (Nick LeSanta Claus)

Inanimate Insanity II

Contestants (BoxCheesyDough) • Recommended characters (BananaGuitarRubber Ball) • Minor characters (Judge GavelLight Shimmers)

Inanimate Insanity Invitational

Minor characters (Camera 1Camera 2DaggerHammerMilkPoker ChipRazor BladeSwiss Army Knife) • Vehicles (Boaty)

Fan's Fantastic Features

Recommended characters (ClipCorkDimeToilet Paper)

Super Sentai & Power Rangers
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai

J.A.K.Q. (Goro Sakurai/Spade Ace)

Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger/Power Rangers Wild Force

Gaorangers (Kai Samezu/GaoBlueSae Taiga/GaoWhite) • Zords & Megazords (Animus/Kite)

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger/Power Rangers (Super) Samurai

Samurai Rangers (Jayden Shiba/Red Samurai Ranger XIX)

Tensou Sentai Goseiger/Power Rangers Megaforce

Mega Rangers (Troy Burrows/Super Megaforce RedNoah Carver/Super Megaforce Blue) • Megaforce Mentors (Gosei)

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger/Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge

Kyoryugers (Amy Yuuzuki/Kyoryu Pink)

Ressha Sentai ToQger

ToQgers (Haru Tokashiki/ToQ 2gouKagura Izumi/ToQ 5gouRight Suzuki/ToQ 1gou)

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger/Power Rangers (Super) Ninja Steel

Ninningers (Takaharu Igasaki/AkaNingerFuuka Igasaki/ShiroNinger)

Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger

Zyuohgers (Misao Mondou/Zyuoh The World)

Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger

Lupinrangers (Kairi Yano/Lupin Red)

Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger

Zenkaigers (Kaito Goshikida/ZenkaizerZocks Goldtsuiker/Twokaizer)

Neutral Characters

Ace (Powerbirds) • Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge/Rena FurtiveAndy HopperAntiope (DC Super Hero Girls) • Apple (Apple & Onion) • Billy HargroveBlastus (Robotomy) • Bob Parr/Mr. IncredibleBridgette (Total Drama) • Chiaki NanamiClass PrezCody (Total Drama) • Count DuckulaDexter/Dex-StarrDiego Dorrance/BaneDuusu (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) • Eubie (Higglytown Heroes) • Finn (Adventure Time) • Flip (The Loud House) • Girl JordanGwen WuHal Jordan/Green LanternHammerman (Hammerman) • Heather (Total Drama) • Hifumi YamadaJimmy LewisJune BaileyK.O. (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) • Kazuya MishimaKilowog (DC Super Hero Girls) • Kip (Higglytown Heroes) • Kitty (Total Drama) • Leo ChockersLevi Weston/Ninja Steel GoldLil MerbabyLil MerboyLil Teacher's PetLindsay (Total Drama) • Little BillLittle Field MouseLittle Grey SquirrelLittle Redwood FoxLuna the MoonMagica De SpellMao MaoMara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) • Marion (Making Fiends) • Merbaby (L.O.L. Surprise!) • Merboi (L.O.L. Surprise!) • Merkitty (L.O.L. Surprise!) • Mitchell Mayo/Condiment KingNathalie Sancoeur/MayuraNooroo (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) • Onion (Apple & Onion) • Paige (The Loud House) • Polly (Powerbirds) • Portia GibbonsRuff RuffmanSabrina Raincomprix/Miss HoundSandy CheeksSmarty PantsStephanie (Total Drama) • Steve (DC Super Hero Girls) • Steve TrevorTeacher's OwlTeacher's PetThaal Sinclair/SinestroThrasher (Robotomy) • Timmy TibbleTommy TibbleTyler (Total Drama) • Wayne (Higglytown Heroes) • Zoey (Total Drama)
