Computer appears regularly in "Elmo's World" segments on Sesame Street. It was originally voiced by Jim Martin. One of Elmo's living crayon drawing furnishings, the computer bouncily attempts to present Elmo with his e-mail video messages with Elmo tending have to chase after it as it bounces around the room. Computer is accompanied by a mouse. Initially uttering a generic "You've got mail", Computer chants an energetic "Elmo has mail!" in later episodes, while a fluttering, winged mail icon appears on its screen. Computer's most active appearance was in the episode "Computers", where it was introduced and, it later replaced the "Elmocam" portion of the segment. In Elmo's World: Firefighters, Computer was voiced by Martin P. Robinson.
- The generic "You've got mail!" quote in early episodes may be a refrence to the AOL "You've Got Mail!" sound.