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Chrome Dome (or Chromedome) is a character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He has shown up in the original series, the vintage toyline, the SNES Tournament Fighters Game, and the Nickelodeon cartoon. His characterization has been fairly different in each one. In the original series, he was an enormous robot with an array of built-in weaponry. In the toyline, he was similar, yet human-sized rather than huge. In the SNES Tournament Fighters game, he desired to eradicate his Foot programming so he can live in peace. In the Nickelodeon series, the Kraang constructed him as a gift for the Foot Clan, and is modeled after Chris Bradford (now Rahzar's) armor.

Counterparts (1987 Series)[]

  • Reflux (Rayman)
  • Preston (Wallace and Gromit)

Counterparts (Tournament Fighters)[]

  • Gemerel or E-123 Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Counterparts (Nick Series)[]

  • Nutzan Bolt (Sonic the Hedgehog)