Characters from various TV Shows, Movies, Books, and Video Games who are White in color.
All items (793)
- Sailor Moon (character)
- Sailor Moon (TUGS character)
- Sailor Venus
- Sallee (Hairdorables)
- Salt Cookie
- Sam-I-Am
- Samuel (Thomas and Friends character)
- Sandwich Cookie
- Sarah Williams
- Scarlet Riding Hood
- Scoops Waffle Cone
- Scott (Total Drama)
- Scribbles Splash
- Scrooge McDuck (character)
- Scud
- Scuttle the Seagull
- Sea Fairy Cookie
- Seymour Cheese
- Shawn (Total Drama)
- Sheriff (Cars)
- Sherman Peabody
- Sherri Charades
- Shining Armor (My Little Pony)
- Shining Glitter Cookie
- Shirley (Shaun the Sheep character)
- Silas (Ice Age)
- Silver the Hedgehog (character)
- Sir Raindmon
- Sirica (Character)
- Sis Bunny
- Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private
- Skips (character)
- Skitty
- SkullGreymon (Character)
- Skunk
- Slappy Squirrel
- Smile E. Wishes
- Snagglepuss
- Snow Sugar Cookie
- Snowman
- Snowy Fairest
- Snowy the Dog
- Society (Hi friends my name is Elliott)
- Sophie and Sadie (Salty's Lighthouse)
- South Dakota (State Man)
- Spade (Character)
- Specs Reads-a-Lot
- Spencer (Pinocchio 3000)
- Spoons Waffle Cone
- Spot Splatter Splash
- Sprinkle Spice Cookie
- Sprint (Wireless character)
- Sprixie Princess
- Sprouts Sunshine
- Spunky
- Squiggles 'N' Shapes
- Squirt Lil' Top
- Stanley the Mouse
- Starfruit Cookie
- Starscream (Character)
- Stella the Stoat
- Steven Seagull (Animaniacs)
- Sticks Boom Crash
- Stinky the Skunk
- Stinky's Mommy
- Storm E. Sky
- Strawberry Shortcake (character)
- Streamers Carnivale
- Strings Pick 'N' Strum
- Stumbles Bumps 'N' Bruises
- Sue Ellen Armstrong
- Sugarcoat (character)
- Surprise Party Curl
- Suzette La Sweet
- Suzy Johnson
- Sweater Snowstorm
- Sweetie Belle (My Little Pony)
- Sweetie Candy Ribbon
- Sweeto Koneko
- Swifty the Cheetah
- Swirly Figure Eight
- Sylvester the Cat
- Taffy Toodles
- Taffyta Muttonfudge
- Tanis (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School)
- Tanis the Mummy
- Tart Berry Basket
- Teacup Hearts
- Ted the Polar Bear (Character)
- Tennessee (State Man)
- The Assistant (Rainbow High)
- The Blots
- The Brain
- The Cat in the Hat (Dr. Seuss)
- The Colonol
- The Cute Master :3
- The Fire Tug
- The Great and Powerful Trixie (My Little Pony)
- File:The Last Unicorn Preview.jpg
- The Maledict (character)
- The Mime
- The Shrimpers
- The Sperm
- Thumper (Bambi)
- Tiger Lily Cookie
- Tiny Might
- Tip and Dash
- Toadette (Character)
- Toasty Sweet Fluff
- Toffee Cocoa Cuddles
- Tom Cat (Character)
- Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank)
- Tommy the Thomson's Gazelle
- Tootie
- Trace E. Doodles
- Trent Fernandez-Mercer
- Tricia (The Land Before Time)
- Tricky Mysterious
- Trinket Sparkles
- Tuffet Miss Muffet
- Turagha Nuju
- Twinkle 'N' Flutters
- Twirly Figure Eight
- Twisty Tumblelina
- Wacky Hatter
- Wade Duck
- Washington (State Man)
- Water Mellie Seeds
- Watermelon Kiss
- Wembely Fraggle
- Whipped Cream Cookie
- Whirly Stretchy Locks
- Whiskers Lion's Roar
- Whistle Kick 'N' Score
- White (Harror the Robot character)
- Patches
- Rebound
- White Choco Cookie
- White Ghost Cookie
- Whiteman
- Whole Foods Market (Logos character)
- Wilbur Robinson
- Wilford Wolf (Animaniacs)
- Wind Archer Cookie
- Winter Snowflake
- Wishes Slice O' Cake
- Wizard Cookie
- Wyoming (State Man)