Characters who are friendly.
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Thomas (character) -
UNball -
Polandball (character) -
Edward the Blue Engine -
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony) -
Murdoch -
Thomas the Tank Engine (TTTE) -
Zion Williams/Pink Wonder
All items (756)
- Aaron O'Hara
- Abbigal Robinson
- Abel (Street Fighter)
- Adam
- Adrien Agreste
- Agnes
- Aiden
- Akari Mitsu
- Alan Trotter
- Alex the Lion (character)
- Alexander
- Alexis
- Ali
- Alicia (OC)
- Alida Dunbroch
- Allan
- Alli (OC)
- Allie Griffin
- Allison Taylor
- Amanda
- Amaya Grubb
- Amaya/Owlette
- Ami Griffin
- Ami Zukati
- Amy
- Amy (OC)
- Amy-Leah
- Ana (WarrenWare Character)
- Andrea
- Andrea Fitzherbert
- Andy Androy
- Andy Johnson
- Angel (HaVTitC)
- Anna Banana
- Anna Valentine
- Annabelle
- Annabelle (Dog)
- Annie Stuart
- Anthony MacQuoid
- Aphrodite
- Applejack (My Little Pony)
- April (Granitoons)
- April (The Monthly 12)
- Aquarius (The Horoscope Stars)
- Archie (Archie's Big Book of Friendship Adventures)
- Ariadna Carballar
- Aries (The Horoscope Stars)
- Arizona (State Man)
- Arnold the Pit Bull
- Arya
- Ashleigh Parker
- Ashlynn Ella
- Ashlynn Stuart
- Athena (OC)
- Athena Harriett
- Aubree
- Audrey Peabody
- August (The Monthly 12)
- Azumi Nekomimi
- Bahiya
- Bart Simpson
- Beatriz Madrigal
- Bebe Stevens
- Becky Jones
- Bee (OC)
- Bella Parker
- Belle (OC)
- Ben Olafson
- Benson Waltz
- Berry
- Bert (Small Railway)
- Bert Raccoon
- Beth (Total Drama)
- Billy
- Billy Witherspoon
- Bing Bong (Inside Out)
- Biskit
- Black Samson (Invincible)
- Blanca Madrigal
- Blaze
- Bobby Santiago
- Bonnie Blueberry
- Bradie Burlington
- Bridget (Trolls)
- Brigit
- Britney
- Brittani Cooper
- Brittany
- Brittany Seville (character)
- Brook Ridswell
- Brooklyn
- Brudder
- Brydgett Helway
- Bud The Taste Neuron
- Bunnie Rabbot
- Buttermaker (character)
- Butters Stotch
- Caleb
- Cali
- Callie
- Camelot Grapevine
- Cameron (Total Drama)
- Cameroon
- Canadaball
- Cancer (The Horoscope Stars)
- Candy Sanchez
- Capricorn (The Horoscope Stars)
- Carmen Marquez
- Carol the Elf
- Carrie (Total Drama)
- Carrie Krueger
- Carrie Whitmore
- Carson
- Casey
- Casey Bechu
- Casey Wiggins
- Casper (OC)
- Cerulean
- Chang
- Charlie
- Charlina
- Charlotte Nakamura-Hammond
- Charlotte Silva
- Chase
- Cheekah Pancakes
- Cheerilee (My Little Pony)
- Cherrie Andrews
- Chris Griffin (character)
- Chris McCallister
- Chrissie (OC)
- Chrissy Mullins
- Christina Morton
- Christopher Robin (Character)
- Chuck Fischer
- Chum Chum (Character)
- Cici (Roary the Racing Car)
- Cina Lorenzo/Minty Clover
- City of Truro
- Claire (OC)
- Clapper the Seal
- Coco Bandicoot-Prower (Character)
- Cody
- Cody (Total Drama)
- Commander Cindy
- Connor/Catboy
- Conrad (HaVTitH)
- Cook (Kirakira Pretty Cure a la Mode)
- Corrie Andrews
- Crash Bandicoot (character)
- Cream Puff Cookie
- Cream the Rabbit
- Crimson (Total Drama)
- Cross-cat
- Cruz Ramirez
- Crystal Blue
- Crystal Blue (Crystal Wishes Journey)
- Cuddles (HTF)
- Daena Hamilton
- Danielle (B.O.O.)
- Daphne Fairyton
- Darlena Crystal
- David (HaVTitH)
- David the Passenger Diesel
- Dawn (Dusk and Dawn)
- Dawn (Total Drama)
- Debbie Blackberry
- December (The Monthly 12)
- Deema
- Delaya Kimberly Dalson
- Desmond
- Devin (Total Drama)
- Devon
- Dex Daniels
- Diana (OC)
- Diana Elnski
- Diego the Saber-toothed Cat (Character)
- Divya
- DJ (Total Drama)
- Domino
- Donatella
- Doreen
- Doriana
- Dozzy the Bandicoot
- Dragonite
- Duffy the Disney Bear
- Duncan (Total Drama)
- Dusk (Dusk and Dawn)