Female Heroes
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All items (2040)
- A.B.A
- Abbey Grey
- Abbigal Robinson
- Abigail
- Adalyne McBride
- Adriana Del Sol
- Aelitha Kaileen
- Agatha
- Ageha Hijiri
- Agnes
- Agnes Simpson
- Aguri Madoka
- Ahsoka (Star Wars the Clone Wars)
- Ai (DokiDoki! PreCure)
- Ajax (Thomas and Friends Female Character)
- Akako Senoo
- Akane Hino
- Akari Mitsu
- Akari Shiratori
- Akira Kenjou
- Akiva
- Ako Shirabe
- Alaina Gleen
- Alchemist Cookie
- Alena McBride
- Alex (kylgrv)
- Alex (OC)
- Alex (OC, UnknownArtistML)
- Alexis
- Alexis (Craig of the Creek)
- Ali
- Alice Summers
- Alice Tipton
- Alice Yotsuba
- Alicia (OC)
- Alida Dunbroch
- Alix Kubdel
- Alli (OC)
- Allie
- Allie Griffin
- Allison Taylor
- Aloalo
- Aloe Cookie
- Alya Césaire
- Alyssa Enrile (character)
- Alyssa Gatewood
- Alyx Vance
- Ama
- Amanda
- Amanda Barkley
- Amanda Lopez
- Amane Kasai
- Amaya Grubb
- Amber (Vat7K)
- Amber Watson
- Ami Griffin
- Ami Sakai
- Ami Zukati
- Amilia Rayzire
- Amy
- Amy (OC)
- Amy Cooper
- Amy Finkle
- Amy Foxworthy
- Amy Yuuzuki
- Amy-Leah
- Amélie
- An Shinada
- Ana Flynn
- Anabella
- Andrea
- Andrea Fitzherbert
- Angel (HaVTitC)
- Angel (OC)
- Angelisa Banks
- Angie
- Angie (OC)
- Ann
- Anna Banana
- Anna Valentine
- Annabell
- Annabelle
- Anne
- Annette
- Annie (OC)
- Annie Stuart
- Annie the Green Onion
- Anya Durant
- Aphrodite
- April (Granitoons)
- April (The Monthly 12)
- Aquarius (The Horoscope Stars)
- Ardilla Scottsman
- Ariadna Carballar
- Arizona Annie
- Arizona's Mom (State Man)
- Arlene (character)
- Arya
- Ashleigh Parker
- Ashley Arnold
- Ashley Asey
- Ashley Pane
- Ashlynn Burke
- Ashlynn Ella
- Ashlynn Stuart
- Asuka Takizawa
- Athena (OC)
- Athena Harriett
- Atrix Terraford
- Aubree
- Aubrey Bertison
- Aubrey Muccino
- Audrey Aisling
- Audrey Peabody
- August (The Monthly 12)
- Aurora (Anabella & Friends)
- Aya Kawakami
- Ayumi
- Ayumi Sakagami
- Bad Apple
- Baguette Cookie
- Baiken
- Bally & Green Apple
- Banett
- Barb Bryan
- Barbara
- Beatrice
- Beatriz Madrigal
- Becky Jones
- Becky Washington
- Bee (OC)
- Bella
- Bella (Lol Color Gamer)
- Belldandy
- Belle (OC)
- Bellflower Cookie
- Benita
- Bernadette
- Betsy
- Bette
- Billie (character)
- Birdo (character)
- Biskit
- Black Raisin Cookie
- Black Strategy
- Black Widow (Character)
- Blaineley (Total Drama)
- Blanca Madrigal
- Blippie Foontord
- Bloodytchi
- Bloom (Winx Club character)
- Blossom (OC)
- Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Blue (Skunk Fu)
- Blue Lily Cookie
- Bluebell
- Blueberry Pie Cookie
- Bob & Bea
- Bomber Girls Pretty Cure
- Bonbon Fazbear
- Bonnie (Pokemon)
- Bonnie Blueberry
- Bonnie Lowrie
- Bonnie Swanson