This is a category for all characters from TV Shows, Books and Video Games who are sometimes good and sometimes bad.
All items (548)
- Salazar's Soldiers (Animaniacs)
- Sarah Frederick
- Sasuke Uchiha
- Sasuke Uchiha (character)
- Scarlett (Total Drama)
- Scoops (WordGirl)
- Scott (Total Drama)
- Scout Master Lumpus
- Seadramon (Digimon)
- Sedusa
- Sergeant Sam Roderick
- Sergeant Sweete (Animaniacs)
- Setsuna Higashi
- Shade the Echidna
- Shadow the Hedgehog (character)
- Sheeva (Mortal Kombat)
- Sheldon J. Plankton (character)
- Shelia Broflovski
- Silly Simon
- Sindel (Mortal Kombat)
- Sir Bartleby MontClair
- Slimey the Worm
- Slink
- Sonata Dusk (character)
- Sour Susan (character)
- Sour Sweet (character)
- Spade (Character)
- Squidward Tentacles (character)
- Squilliam Fancyson (Character)
- Staci (Total Drama)
- Steven Seagull (Animaniacs)
- Stewie Griffin (character)
- Stinky (Sesame Street)
- Storm the Albatross
- Sugar (Total Drama)
- Sugarcoat (character)
- Sunny Flare (character)
- Sunset Shimmer (character)
- Super Shadow
- Sword Knight and Blade Knight
- Sylvester the Cat
- Taffyta Muttonfudge
- Taz the Tasmanian Devil
- Terrance and Phillip
- Thaddeus Plotz
- The Barber
- The Brain
- The Bull (Character)
- The Cat in the Hat (Dr. Seuss)
- The Farmer's niece
- The Foreign Engine
- The Grinch
- The Hex Girls
- The Hulk
- The Music Master
- The Policeman
- The Rat King (TMNT)
- The Scallions
- The Survey Ladies (Animaniacs)
- The Were-Rabbit
- Thekla
- Thumper
- Thunderdogg (Animaniacs)
- Tick-Tock the Crocodile (Character)
- Tigger (Character)
- Timmy Tibble and Tommy Tibble
- Tina Rex (character)
- Toa Lewa
- Tobey McCallister III
- Tobias Wilson
- Tokkori (Character)
- Tom Cat (Character)
- Toodles Galore (character)
- Top Glasses
- Top Hat
- Toruk
- Towa Akagi
- Trent Fernandez-Mercer
- TUGS Liner Characters