Uncle Grandpa Is Braden's Favorite Cartoon Character.
I See Spongebob, Uncle Grandpa, Peppa Pig, And Wander, Too!
Lord Hater Falls To The Tree
Peppa, George, Uncle Grandpa, Belly Bag, Pizza Steve, And Mr. Gus Is Screaming!
Spongebob, Patrick, Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, Mr. Gus, Peppa, George, Wander And Sylvia Is Going From Outer Space!
There Goes The Sun, Here Comes The Night!
Somebody Turn On The Liiiiiiiight!
Somebody Tell Me That Fate Has Been Kind!
"Light Shines Like A Diamond In The City Of Light!"
"When That Diamond Shines, You Know That Everything's All Right!"
"But You Knooooooooow..."
"We Got A Way To Goooooooo."
"I'm For Getting Out Of Here!"
"I'm Just Called For Real Cooperation!"
"Good Morning, Everyone!"
"Good Morning, Uncle Grandpa!"
"I Guess You Have A Cozen ship!"
"And Now I Forgot Those Tropical Issues."
"Sorry, Got The Teleport."