"Bulgy" is the name applied to a red double-decker bus. He was rude to Duck, saying that railways should be ripped up. Duck told this to Oliver, who laughed and said he called the bus "Bulgy". Bulgy later tried to steal their passengers by posing as a "Railway Bus", with a friend taking Bulgy's normal route. They tried to make the passengers think that railways were no good by refusing to accept their return tickets. He got his comeuppance when he became lodged under a bridge - his shortcut to the big station. Duck took the passengers the rest of the way, and the cracked bridge was eventually repaired. Bulgy was turned into a hen house near the bridge. Here, his lies could do no harm - the hens never listen to them, anyway. ("Bulgy") He cameod Thomas' Day Off. He is one of the Main Antagonists
Years later, The Fat Controller had a problem when Emily and Thomas needed repairs. Needing to transport passengers during the holiday, the Fat Controller decided to restore Bulgy. However, the night before Bulgy was supposed to start working, the hens settled back in the luggage racks. While taking passengers early the next day, Bulgy was stuck behind Trevor on the road, and tried to swerve around. This put him in the path of a mail van, and the drivers had to swerve to avoid each other. This woke up the hens and startled the passengers, who were very cross. Bulgy himself was cross, until Emily suggested that he take the farmer's vegetables. Bulgy loved the idea - vegetables don't lay eggs, and they never complain. Bulgy is now painted in a green livery with a serving hatch where people can purchase fresh produce. ("Bulgy Rides Again").
Nowadays, Bulgy (TV Series) seems to only be seen with his back turned, and has returned back to his original red livery.
- Bulgy's theme is his Season 7 theme.
Counterparts (Antagonist Version)[]
WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.
- Johnny Cuba (TUGS Verison) or Bluenose (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Snorri (Theodore Tugboat)
- Evil Mover #1 (Shining Time Station)
- Snively, Dr. Robotnik or Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa or Boshi (Super Mario Bros.)
- Kaptain Skurvy or Krusha (Donkey Kong Country)
- The Role-Playing Pigeon (Dastardly & Muttley)
- The Fox (Garfield and Friends/US Acres)
- Silas Wonder (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- Newt (Animaniacs)
- Comic Book Guy (The Simpsons)
- The Evil Monkey (Family Guy)
- The Flying Dutchman (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Willie White (Doug)
- Rude Ralph (Horrid Henry)
- Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy (WordGirl)
- Professor Monkey-For-A-Head (Earthworm Jim)
- Larry (T.U.F.F. Puppy)
- PC Principal (South Park)
- Brizwald (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
- Vezon, Vakama Hordika or King Bohrok (Bionicle)
- British Bastard (Bionicle School)
- Decker or Speedstar (Vehicles)
- James Nixon McGarfield (Codename: Kids Next Door)
- Escargoon (Kirby)
- Nemo (Arthur, both are enemies to Bertie and Pal)
- Luxray or Wobuffett (Pokemon)
- Kaa (The Jungle Book)
- Stromboli (Pinocchio)
- Buford Van Stomm (Phineas and Ferb)
- Professor Z, Jackson Storm Bubba, or Miles Axlerod (Cars 2 and 3)
- Bill (Scooby Doo)
- Demon Cat (Adventure Time)
- Rancis Fluggerbutter or M.Bison (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Mr. Robinson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
- Barry (Flushed Away)
- Bob (Finding Nemo)
- Lotso Huggin Bear, Al McWhiggin, or Stinky Pete (Toy Story)
- Mr. Stubbon (The Mr. Men Show)
- Goldar (Power Rangers)
- Dr. Flurry or Bruce Onion (VeggieTales)
- Thaddeus "Curly" Gammelthorpe (Hey Arnold)
- Chet Alexander (Monsters University)
- Baxter Stockman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Humbert the Huntsman (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
- Cad Spinner (Planes 2 Fire & Rescue)
- Child Grinch (Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
- Gordon Hula (Bobby's World)
- Mr. Big (Zootopia (2016), both are bad, later turning good)
- Stinger (Maya the Bee)
- Red Skull (Marvel)
- Ra's Al Ghul (DC)
- Bandit Keith (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Xplode (Hero Factory)
- Chef Hatchet or Scott (Total Drama)
- Flecha Florida (Nutri Ventures)
- Scoutmaster Lumpus (Camp Lazlo)
- Trumpy (Dragon Tales)
- Beast Man (He-Man)
- Doug Shablowski or Were-Skunk (Regular Show)
- Tanner (SuperMarioLogan, both are red and rude)
- Bash Johnson or Doug Jaminski (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
- Nabira (Tomato Adventure)
Counterparts (Female Version)[]
- Morgana (The Little Mermaid)
Counterparts (Hero Version)[]
WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.
- Percy (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Sunshine (TUGS)
- Claude (Salty's Lighthouse)
- Hank (Theodore Tugboat)
- Yoshi (Super Mario Bros.)
- Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
- Chris Griffin (Family Guy)
- Q*Bert (Wreck-It Ralph)
- Hwaorang (Tekken)
- Mr. Potato Head (Toy Story)