"Bubble is the daughter of the strongest warrior in her tribe… and she’s a complete disgrace. She’s known as “Bubble” because just one poke can knock her right over, bursting her like a soap bubble. To be fair to poor Bubble, her life hasn’t been easy: first she contracted Oripathy, then she got bundled off to Rhodes Island for her own safety, and now she has no idea when she might see her father again. Does that justify her rampaging around Rhodes Island, breaking down doors and knocking over the Robots? Well… if nothing else, at least she can put in work as a 4* Normal Defender with ATK debuffs and damage reflection to make up for it.
To protect her fragile body from attack, Bubble carts around a giant spiky shield, which happens to be the source of her Talent. Her Spiked Shield triggers whenever Bubble is attacked, and it inflicts an ATK debuff on anything that damages her. As long as Bubble can survive the first hit from an opponent, she’ll take reduced damage the rest of the time they’re attacking her, greatly enhancing her survivability. Also enhancing her survivability are her Skills. “Beaten Up” is particularly interesting: Bubble stops attacking enemies, she gains an enormous DEF boost and a Taunt buff, and any enemy that attacks her takes Physical damage equal to a percentage of her DEF in return. Considering the DEF buff this Skill gives her, that damage can add up fast! “Beaten Up” gives Bubble a convenient way to retaliate against ranged enemies—it can even be used to kill flying enemies like Raptors—and the damage can be boosted even further with DEF buffs from characters like Shining, Nian, or Aak.
Letting enemies literally kill themselves on Bubble’s spiked shield can be very entertaining, but it’s not a strategy without risks. Bubble isn’t quite as survivable as some of her fellow Normal Defenders: she can’t recover her own HP and she has no protection from Arts damage. Spiked Shield’s ATK debuff is very helpful, but she does have to take at least one attack at full damage before it activates, and “Beaten Up” has poor uptime. She’s also less accessible than fellow 4* Defender Cuora and doesn’t necessarily offer much more in return other than her “Beaten Up” gimmick. Still, don’t dismiss this little troublemaker out of hand. Her battle strategy may be singleminded, but it can be quite potent when aided by a creative Doctor’s placement and timing!"