Blue Mary Ryan is an Fatal Fury character. She is a blond hair girl, who used to be evil, but changed sides for Terry Bogard.

Blue Mary Ryan
- Emily (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends) (both fall in love with Thomas and Terry)
- Lillie Lightship (TUGS)
- Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken)
- Stacy Jones (Shining Time Station)
- Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
- Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) (both are love with Doctor and Terry)
- Clover (Papa Louie)
- Karai (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, both were bad, later good, and love Terry and Leonardo)
- Scarlett (G.I. Joe)
- Tina "Mainframe" Cassidy (C.O.P.S.)
- Ester (Streets of Rage)
- Bianca Dupree (Beverly Hills Teens, both are Dog lovers and Cat haters)
- Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat, both are in love with Cage and Terry)
- Mitsuko Asatani (Cat’s Eye)