Bertie Samson Also Known as Bertie, is the Second Main Protagonist of Super Samson Herms
Bertie is Samson's Older Brother
- Gender: Male
- Species: Human
- Occupation: Heroe Prince
- Skin Color: Blue
- Aligament: Good (Samson Series), Neutral (Meat Boy/Bandage Girl Series)
- Clothing: Teal With Green Linings Suit & Teal Pants
- Friends: Samson (Older Brother), Princess Loly (Girlfriend), the Canimals, Clozy, Marty-Yogoma, Jolksworth, the Jolks, Jolk, Yiskie (Best Friend), Flex, the Criaturites, the Pichona & others
- Rivals: Ducky Jone (Sometimes), Walhalla (Arch-Rival), Warman, Meat Boy & Bandage Girl
- Enemies: Anti-Clozy, Donkey Dragon (Sometimes), Burgas, Kultans, Kultan Kids, Fetus (Sometimes) & 789Machi 3000
- Worst Enemies: Silver-Bonter & Zcrepser
Counterparts (Samson Version) (Good Version) (Do Not Delete, But You Can Add)[]
- Edward (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Hercules (TUGS)
- Northumberland (Theodore Tugboat)
- Luigi Mario, Toadsworth or Takua the Av Matoran (Super Mario Bros)
- Jules Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Sarge (Cars: an Adventure of Wheels)
- Toa Kopaka (Bionicle)
Counterparts (Meat Boy Version)[]
Counterparts (Evil Version)[]
- Bowler (Thomas and Friends)