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Belle, as seen in Day of the Diesels

Belle is a big blue tank engine with added water cannons attached to her side tanks and a brass bell above her cab. Because of her size, she would seem very intimidating if she wasn't so nice. She is part of the Search and Rescue Team. It's hinted that she may have a crush on Thomas or Flynn, but nothing so far is confirmed. she in the second main protagonist of Day of the Diesels.

Allies: Flynn (boyfriend), Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordan, James, Percy, Toby, Emily, Duck, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Bill, Ben, Harvey, Rosie, Mavis, Salty, BoCo, Hiro, Victor, Kevin, Cranky, Whiff, Sir Handel, Murdoch, Big City Engine, Rocky, Butch, Bertie, Bash, Dash, Ferdinand, Stanley, Whiff, Scruff, Stafford, Winston, Charlie, Captian, Owen, Merrick, Connor, Caitlin, Millie, Stephen

Enemies: Diesel, Diesel 10, Arry, Bert, Spencer (formerly), Den (formerly), Dart (formerly), Norman (formerly), Paxton (formerly), Sidney (formerly)

Date of Birth[]

  • February 20, 1956


  • Female


On her first day of Sodor, Belle helped Thomas and Percy put out a fire at an old farm shed. But doing so caused her to run out of water. So Thomas and Percy helped her to the Steamworks where The Fat Controller praises her for her bravey, but adds that Sodor needs a real Fire Engine. Belle then adviced him about Flynn. Later Thomas was given the honor of showing Belle around Sodor. Belle was seen nat the Steamworks with the rest of the Steam Team to welcome Flynn to Sodor. She then helped Flynn fight a fire at the Dieselworks when Thomas Percy Flynn and Kevin saw a fire to watch

A while later, Belle learned that Toby had a bell and tried to be friends with him.


Belle is based on the BR Standard Class 4MT 2-6-4 with added water cannons attached to her side tanks, electric headlamps on her bufferbeams and above her face and a brass bell above her cab.


She is painted blue with red and brass fittings. She has the number 6120 on her sides in gold and red wheels with blue rims.


Major Appearances[]

Season 15[]
  • Big Belle

Season 17

  • Too Many Fire Engines


Season 15[]
  • Surprise Surprise
  • Stuck on You
  • Kevin the Steamie
Season 16[]
  • Ol' Wheezy Wobbles
  • Muddy Matters


  • Wooden Railway
  • Trackmaster
  • Take-N-Play
  • Wind Up Trains (Japan only)
  • Mega Bloks (coming soon)
  • Bachmann (Coming 2014)

Voice Actors[]


  • Belle's theme is James' Fire Theme from the Season 5 episode, Thomas, Percy, and Old Slow Coach, which she shares with Flynn.

Counterparts (Female Version)[]

Warning WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any.

Counterparts (Male Version)[]

  • Gordon, Edward, Thomas, Boco, Flynn, or Derek (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
  • Big Mac or Hercules (TUGS)
  • Rodney (Total Drama)

